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Pontryagin algebra of a transitive Lie algebroid

Kubarski, Jan — 1990

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

[For the entire collection see Zbl 0699.00032.] It was previously known that for every principal fibre bundle P there is some corresponding transitive Lie algebroid A(P) - a vector bundle equipped with some structure like the structure of a Lie algebra in the module of sections. The author of this article shows that the Chern-Weil homomorphism of P is a notion of the Lie algebroid of P, i.e. knowing only A(P) of P one can uniquely reproduce the ring of invariant polynomials ( V g * ) I and the Chern-Weil...

Characteristic classes of regular Lie algebroids – a sketch

Kubarski, Jan — 1993

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

The discourse begins with a definition of a Lie algebroid which is a vector bundle p : A M over a manifold with an R -Lie algebra structure on the smooth section module and a bundle morphism γ : A T M which induces a Lie algebra morphism on the smooth section modules. If γ has constant rank, the Lie algebroid is called regular. (A monograph on the theory of Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids is published by [Lie groupoids and Lie algebroids in differential geometry (1987; Zbl 0683.53029)].) A principal G -bundle...

Algebroid nature of the characteristic classes of flat bundles

Jan Kubarski — 1998

Banach Center Publications

The following two homotopic notions are important in many domains of differential geometry: - homotopic homomorphisms between principal bundles (and between other objects), - homotopic subbundles. They play a role, for example, in many fundamental problems of characteristic classes. It turns out that both these notions can be - in a natural way - expressed in the language of Lie algebroids. Moreover, the characteristic homomorphisms of principal bundles (the Chern-Weil homomorphism [K4], or the...

Connections in regular Poisson manifolds over ℝ-Lie foliations

Jan Kubarski — 2000

Banach Center Publications

The subject of this paper is the notion of the connection in a regular Poisson manifold M, defined as a splitting of the Atiyah sequence of its Lie algebroid. In the case when the characteristic foliation F is an ℝ-Lie foliation, the fibre integral operator along the adjoint bundle is used to define the Euler class of the Poisson manifold M. When M is oriented 3-dimensional, the notion of the index of a local flat connection with singularities along a closed transversal is defined. If, additionally,...

The Euler-Poincaré-Hopf theorem for flat connections in some transitive Lie algebroids

Jan Kubarski — 2006

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper is a continuation of [19], [21], [22]. We study flat connections with isolated singularities in some transitive Lie algebroids for which either or s l ( 2 , ) or so ( 3 ) are isotropy Lie algebras. Under the assumption that the dimension of the isotropy Lie algebra is equal to n + 1 , where n is the dimension of the base manifold, we assign to any such isolated singularity a real number called an index. For -Lie algebroids, this index cannot be an integer. We prove the index theorem (the Euler-Poincaré-Hopf...

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