CONTENTS Introduction................................................................. 5I. HOMOLOGY 1. Preliminaries............................................................. 7 2. Maps in spaces of finite type............................................. 9 3. The Čech homology functor with compact carriers........................... 11 4. Vietoris maps............................................................. 13 5. Homology of open subsets of Euclidean spaces.................................
We shall consider periodic problems for ordinary differential equations of the form
where satisfies suitable assumptions. To study the above problem we shall follow an approach based on the topological degree theory. Roughly speaking, if on some ball of , the topological degree of, associated to (), multivalued Poincaré operator turns out to be different from zero, then problem () has solutions. Next by using the multivalued version of the classical Liapunov-Krasnoselskǐ guiding potential...
This paper deals with a class of nonlinear control systems in in presence of deterministic uncertainty. The uncertainty is modelled by a multivalued map F with nonempty, closed, convex values. Given a nonempty closed set from a suitable class, which includes the convex sets, we solve the problem of finding a state feedback ū(t,x) in such a way that K is invariant under any system dynamics f. As a system dynamics we consider any continuous selection of the uncertain controlled dynamics F.
An abstract version of the Lefschetz fixed point theorem is presented. Then several generalizations of the classical Lefschetz fixed point theorem are obtained.
This paper deals with the existence of solutions to some classes of partial impulsive hyperbolic differential inclusions with variable times involving the Caputo fractional derivative. Our works will be considered by using the nonlinear alternative of Leray-Schauder type.
Further extension of the Levinson transformation theory is performed for partially dissipative periodic processes via the fixed point index. Thus, for example, the periodic problem for differential inclusions can be treated by means of the multivalued Poincaré translation operator. In a certain case, the well-known Ważewski principle can also be generalized in this way, because no transversality is required on the boundary.
The paper contains a survey of various results concerning the Schauder Fixed Point Theorem for metric spaces both in single-valued and multi-valued cases. A number of open problems is formulated.
In this paper, we shall establish sufficient conditions for the controllability on semi-infinite intervals for first and second order functional differential inclusions in Banach spaces. We shall rely on a fixed point theorem due to Ma, which is an extension on locally convex topological spaces, of Schaefer's theorem. Moreover, by using the fixed point index arguments the implicit case is treated.
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