Developing the idea of assigning to a large cover of a topological space a corresponding semifilter, we show that every Menger topological space has the property provided , and every space with the property is Hurewicz provided . Combining this with the results proven in cited literature, we settle all questions whether (it is consistent that) the properties and [do not] coincide, where and run over , , , , and .
In this paper we develop the semifilter approach to the classical Menger and Hurewicz properties and show that the small cardinal is a lower bound of the additivity number of the -ideal generated by Menger subspaces of the Baire space, and under every subset of the real line with the property is Hurewicz, and thus it is consistent with ZFC that the property is preserved by unions of less than subsets of the real line.
A classical theorem of Hurewicz characterizes spaces with the Hurewicz covering property as those having bounded continuous images in the Baire space. We give a similar characterization for spaces which have the Hurewicz property hereditarily. We proceed to consider the class of Arhangel’skii spaces, for which every sheaf at a point can be amalgamated in a natural way. Let denote the space of continuous real-valued functions on with the topology of pointwise convergence. Our main result...
For a non-isolated point of a topological space let be the smallest cardinality of a family of infinite subsets of such that each neighborhood of contains a set . We prove that
(a) each infinite compact Hausdorff space contains a non-isolated point with ;
(b) for each point with there is an injective sequence in that -converges to for some meager filter on ;
(c) if a functionally Hausdorff space contains an -convergent injective sequence for some meager filter...
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