Il teorema di Morse-Sard in spazi di Sobolev Problemi di trasporto ottimale e applicazioni
Using some results proved in De Pascale and Pratelli [Calc. Var. Partial Differ. Equ. 14 (2002) 249-274] (and De Pascale et al. [Bull. London Math. Soc. 36 (2004) 383-395]) and a suitable interpolation technique, we show that the transport density relative to an source is also an function for any .
We prove the existence of an optimal transport map for the Monge problem in a convex bounded subset of under the assumptions that the first marginal is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure and that the cost is given by a strictly convex norm. We propose a new approach which does not use disintegration of measures.
Using some results proved in De Pascale and Pratelli [ (2002) 249-274] (and De Pascale [ (2004) 383-395]) and a suitable interpolation technique, we show that the transport density relative to an source is also an function for any .
In this paper, we prove that the approximants naturally associated to a supremal functional -converge to it. This yields a lower semicontinuity result for supremal functionals whose supremand satisfy weak coercivity assumptions as well as a generalized Jensen inequality. The existence of minimizers for variational problems involving such functionals (together with a Dirichlet condition) then easily follows. In the scalar case we show the existence of at least one absolute minimizer (i.e. local...
In this paper, we prove that the approximants naturally associated to a supremal functional -converge to it. This yields a lower semicontinuity result for supremal functionals whose supremand satisfy weak coercivity assumptions as well as a generalized Jensen inequality. The existence of minimizers for variational problems involving such functionals (together with a Dirichlet condition) then easily follows. In the scalar case we show the existence of at least one absolute minimizer ( local solution)...
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