Theory of Fréchet cones
R. Deville and J. Rodríguez proved that, for every Hilbert generated space , every Pettis integrable function is McShane integrable. R. Avilés, G. Plebanek, and J. Rodríguez constructed a weakly compactly generated Banach space and a scalarly null (hence Pettis integrable) function from into , which was not McShane integrable. We study here the mechanism behind the McShane integrability of scalarly negligible functions from (mostly) into spaces. We focus in more detail on the behavior...
Every separable Banach space with -smooth norm (Lipschitz bump function) admits an equivalent norm (a Lipschitz bump function) which is both uniformly Gâteaux smooth and -smooth. If a Banach space admits a uniformly Gâteaux smooth bump function, then it admits an equivalent uniformly Gâteaux smooth norm.
It is shown that every strongly lattice norm on can be approximated by smooth norms. We also show that there is no lattice and Gâteaux differentiable norm on .
A family of compact spaces containing continuous images of Radon-Nikod’ym compacta is introduced and studied. A family of Banach spaces containing subspaces of Asplund generated (i.e., GSG) spaces is introduced and studied. Further, for a continuous image of a Radon-Nikod’ym compact we prove: If is totally disconnected, then it is Radon-Nikod’ym compact. If is adequate, then it is even Eberlein compact.
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