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Quasiconvexity at the boundary and concentration effects generated by gradients

Martin Kružík — 2013

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We characterize generalized Young measures, the so-called DiPerna–Majda measures which are generated by sequences of gradients. In particular, we precisely describe these measures at the boundary of the domain in the case of the compactification of ℝ by the sphere. We show that this characterization is closely related to the notion of quasiconvexity at the boundary introduced by Ball and Marsden [J.M. Ball and J. Marsden, 86 (1984) 251–277]. As a consequence we get new results on weak ...

On convergence of gradient-dependent integrands

Martin Kružík — 2007

Applications of Mathematics

We study convergence properties of { v ( u k ) } k if v C ( m × n ) , | v ( s ) | C ( 1 + | s | p ) , 1 < p < + , has a finite quasiconvex envelope, u k u weakly in W 1 , p ( Ω ; m ) and for some g C ( Ω ) it holds that Ω g ( x ) v ( u k ( x ) ) d x Ω g ( x ) Q v ( u ( x ) ) d x as k . In particular, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for L 1 -weak convergence of { det u k } k to det u if m = n = p .

DiPerna-Majda measures and uniform integrability

Martin Kružík — 1998

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The purpose of this note is to discuss the relationship among Rosenthal's modulus of uniform integrability, Young measures and DiPerna-Majda measures. In particular, we give an explicit characterization of this modulus and state a criterion of the uniform integrability in terms of these measures. Further, we show applications to Fatou's lemma.

A note on equality of functional envelopes

Martin Kružík — 2003

Mathematica Bohemica

We characterize generalized extreme points of compact convex sets. In particular, we show that if the polyconvex hull is convex in m × n , min ( m , n ) 2 , then it is constructed from polyconvex extreme points via sequential lamination. Further, we give theorems ensuring equality of the quasiconvex (polyconvex) and the rank-1 convex envelopes of a lower semicontinuous function without explicit convexity assumptions on the quasiconvex (polyconvex) envelope.

Oscillations and concentrations in sequences of gradients

Martin KružíkAgnieszka Kałamajska — 2008

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We use DiPerna’s and Majda’s generalization of Young measures to describe oscillations and concentrations in sequences of gradients, { u k } , bounded in L p ( Ø ; m × n ) if p &gt; 1 and Ω n is a bounded domain with the extension property in W 1 , p . Our main result is a characterization of those DiPerna-Majda measures which are generated by gradients of Sobolev maps satisfying the same fixed Dirichlet boundary condition. Cases where no boundary conditions nor regularity of Ω are required and links with lower semicontinuity results...

Evolutionary problems in non-reflexive spaces

Martin KružíkJohannes Zimmer — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Rate-independent problems are considered, where the stored energy density is a function of the gradient. The stored energy density may not be quasiconvex and is assumed to grow linearly. Moreover, arbitrary behaviour at infinity is allowed. In particular, the stored energy density is not required to coincide at infinity with a positively 1-homogeneous function. The existence of a rate-independent process is shown in the so-called energetic formulation.

Oscillations and concentrations generated by 𝒜 -free mappings and weak lower semicontinuity of integral functionals

Irene FonsecaMartin Kružík — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

DiPerna's and Majda's generalization of Young measures is used to describe oscillations and concentrations in sequences of maps { u k } k L p ( Ω ; m ) satisfying a linear differential constraint 𝒜 u k = 0 . Applications to sequential weak lower semicontinuity of integral functionals on 𝒜 -free sequences and to weak continuity of determinants are given. In particular, we state necessary and sufficient conditions for weak* convergence of det ϕ k * det ϕ in measures on the closure of Ω n if ϕ k ϕ in W 1 , n ( Ω ; n ) . This convergence holds, for example, under...

Oscillations and concentrations in sequences of gradients

Agnieszka KałamajskaMartin Kružík — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We use DiPerna's and Majda's generalization of Young measures to describe oscillations and concentrations in sequences of gradients, { u k } , bounded in L p ( Ω ; m × n ) if and Ω n is a bounded domain with the extension property in W 1 , p . Our main result is a characterization of those DiPerna-Majda measures which are generated by gradients of Sobolev maps satisfying the same fixed Dirichlet boundary condition. Cases where no boundary conditions nor regularity of are required and links with lower semicontinuity results...

On the measures of DiPerna and Majda

Martin KružíkTomáš Roubíček — 1997

Mathematica Bohemica

DiPerna and Majda generalized Young measures so that it is possible to describe “in the limit” oscillation as well as concentration effects of bounded sequences in L p -spaces. Here the complete description of all such measures is stated, showing that the “energy” put at “infinity” by concentration effects can be described in the limit basically by an arbitrary positive Radon measure. Moreover, it is shown that concentration effects are intimately related to rays (in a suitable locally convex geometry)...

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