The multiplicative structure of K(n)* (BA).
Let K(n)*(-) be a Morava K-theory at the prime 2. Invariant theory is used to identify K(n)*(BA) as a summand of K(n)*(BZ/2 × BZ/2). Similarities with H*(BA;Z/2) are also discussed.
Let K(n)*(-) be a Morava K-theory at the prime 2. Invariant theory is used to identify K(n)*(BA) as a summand of K(n)*(BZ/2 × BZ/2). Similarities with H*(BA;Z/2) are also discussed.
A celebrated result by S. Priddy states the Koszulness of any locally finite homogeneous PBW-algebra, i.e. a homogeneous graded algebra having a Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt basis. We find sufficient conditions for a non-locally finite homogeneous PBW-algebra to be Koszul, which allows us to completely determine the cohomology of the universal Steenrod algebra at any prime.
I risultati della Serie A del campionato italiano di calcio maschile 2015/2016 sono l'occasione per illustrare alcune tecniche di algebra. In particolare si presenta un metodo `dinamico' di valutazione delle prestazioni sportive tramite vettori di Perron analogo a quello dell'algoritmo PageRank usato da GoogleTM per valutare la popolarità delle pagine web, nonché il confronto fra classifiche ottenute attraverso l'uso di metriche sugli insiemi di permutazioni (correlazione di Spearman e Kendall tau)....
A signed graph is a graph whose edges are labeled by signs. If has vertices, its spectral radius is the number , where are the eigenvalues of the signed adjacency matrix . Here we determine the signed graphs achieving the minimal or the maximal spectral radius in the classes and of unbalanced unicyclic graphs and unbalanced bicyclic graphs, respectively.
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