Entire curves in complements of Cartesian products in .
Николай М. Николов - Разгледани са характеризации на различни понятия за изпъкналост, като тези понятия са сравнени. We discuss different characterizations of various notions of convexity as well as we compare these notions. *2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 32F17.
We prove that the symmetrized polydisc cannot be exhausted by domains biholomorphic to convex domains.
It is shown that the weak multidimensional Suita conjecture fails for any bounded non-pseudoconvex domain with -smooth boundary. On the other hand, it is proved that the weak converse to the Suita conjecture holds for any finitely connected planar domain.
The behaviour of the Carathéodory, Kobayashi and Azukawa metrics near convex boundary points of domains in is studied.
The Liar paradox, or the sentence I am now saying is false its various guises have been attracting the attention of logicians and linguists since ancient times. A commonly accepted treatment of the Liar paradox [7,8] is by means of Situation semantics, a powerful approach to natural language analysis. It is based on the machinery of non-well-founded sets developed in [1]. In this paper we show how to generalize these results including elements of fuzzy and intuitionistic...
Some known localization results for hyperconvexity, tautness or -completeness of bounded domains in are extended to unbounded open sets in .
It is proved that if F is a convex closed set in ℂⁿ, n ≥2, containing at most one (n-1)-dimensional complex hyperplane, then the Kobayashi metric and the Lempert function of ℂⁿ∖ F identically vanish.
Sharp geometrical lower and upper estimates are obtained for the Bergman kernel on the diagonal of a convex domain D ⊂ ℂⁿ which does not contain complex lines. It is also proved that the ratio of the Bergman and Carathéodory metrics of D does not exceed a constant depending only on n.
Given A∈ Ωₙ, the n²-dimensional spectral unit ball, we show that if B is an n×n complex matrix, then B is a “generalized” tangent vector at A to an entire curve in Ωₙ if and only if B is in the tangent cone to the isospectral variety at A. In the case of Ω₃, the zero set of the Kobayashi-Royden pseudometric is completely described.
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