Заметка по поводу статьи Ладислава Пуста: Влияние свойств источника переменной силы на колебании механической системы
In the paper the conditions for the existence of a -periodic solution in of the system , are investigated provided that is sufficiently smooth and -periodic in .
A modification of a classical number-theorem on Diophantine approximations is used for generalizing H. kielhöfer's result on bifurcations of nontrivial periodic solutions to nonlinear wave equations.
This paper deals with a system of equations describing the motion of viscous electrically conducting incompressible fluid in a bounded three dimensional domain whose boundary is perfectly conducting. The displacement current appearing in Maxwell’s equations, is not neglected. It is proved that for a small periodic force and small positive there exists a locally unique periodic solution of the investigated system. For , these solutions are shown to convergeto a solution of the simplified (and...
The authors prove the global existence and exponential stability of solutions of the given system of equations under the condition that the initial velocities and the external forces are small and the initial density is not far from a constant one. If the external forces are periodic, then solutions periodic with the same period are obtained. The investigated system of equations is a bit non-standard - for example the displacement current in the Maxwell equations is not neglected.
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