Some results on the admissible representations of non-connected reductive p -adic groups David Goldberg; Rebecca Herb — 1997 Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
Weighted orbital integrals on S L ( 2 , ℝ ) Rebecca A. Herb — 1984 Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France
The Schwartz space of a general semisimple Lie group. IV : elementary mixed wave packets Rebecca A. Herb — 1992 Compositio Mathematica
Rapidly decreasing functions on general semisimple groups Rebecca A. Herb; Joseph A. Wolf — 1986 Compositio Mathematica
The Plancherel theorem for general semisimple groups Rebecca A. Herb; Joseph A. Wolf — 1986 Compositio Mathematica