Torsion free exterior powers of a module and their resolutions.
Sia un anello di caratteristica diseguale. Si stabiliscono formule generali per gli endomorfismi di una differenziazione o -iterativa di , con non zerodivisore di R. Tali formule sono note nel caso della caratteristica eguale.
Let be a field of positive characteristic . We study the coactions of the Hopf algebra of the multiplicative group with underlying algebra , , on a -algebra . We give the rule for the set of additive endomorphism of , that define a coaction of on commutative. For , we obtain the explicit expression of such coactions in terms of derivations of .
Let be a finitely generated -module, having finite projective dimension. We study the acyclicity of the approximation complex of in terms of certain Fitting conditions on the Fitting ideals of the -th module of a projective resolution of . We deduce some good properties of the symmetric algebra of .
Let be a standard graded -algebra over a field . Then can be written as , where is a graded ideal of a polynomial ring . Assume that and is a strongly stable monomial ideal. We study the symmetric algebra of the first syzygy module of . When the minimal generators of are all of degree 2, the dimension of is calculated and a lower bound for its depth is obtained. Under suitable conditions, this lower bound is reached.
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