Holomorphy types for open subsets of a Banach space
We prove that every weakly compact multiplicative linear continuous map from into is compact. We also give an example which shows that this is not generally true for uniform algebras. Finally, we characterize the spectra of compact composition operators acting on the uniform algebra , where is the open unit ball of an infinite-dimensional Banach space E.
Estudiamos algunas situaciones donde encontramos un problema que, a primera vista, parece no tener solución. Pero, de hecho, existe un subespacio vectorial grande de soluciones del mismo.
We show that, given a set E ⊂ 𝕋 of measure zero, the set of continuous functions whose Fourier series expansion is divergent at any point t ∈ E is dense-algebrable, i.e. there exists an infinite-dimensional, infinitely generated dense subalgebra of 𝓒(𝕋) every non-zero element of which has a Fourier series expansion divergent in E.
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