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Characterizations of Lambek-Carlitz type

Emil Daniel Schwab — 2004

Archivum Mathematicum

We give Lambek-Carlitz type characterization for completely multiplicative reduced incidence functions in Möbius categories of full binomial type. The q -analog of the Lambek-Carlitz type characterization of exponential series is also established.

On inverse categories with split idempotents

Emil SchwabEmil Daniel Schwab — 2015

Archivum Mathematicum

We present some special properties of inverse categories with split idempotents. First, we examine a Clifford-Leech type theorem relative to such inverse categories. The connection with right cancellative categories with pushouts is illustrated by simple examples. Finally, some basic properties of inverse categories with split idempotents and kernels are studied in terms of split idempotents which generate (right or left) principal ideals of annihilators.

A note on ( a , b ) -Fibonacci sequences and specially multiplicative arithmetic functions

Emil Daniel SchwabGabriela Schwab — 2024

Mathematica Bohemica

A specially multiplicative arithmetic function is the Dirichlet convolution of two completely multiplicative arithmetic functions. The aim of this paper is to prove explicitly that two mathematical objects, namely ( a , b ) -Fibonacci sequences and specially multiplicative prime-independent arithmetic functions, are equivalent in the sense that each can be reconstructed from the other. Replacing one with another, the exploration space of both mathematical objects expands significantly.

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