Some remarks on Hadamard's inequalities for convex functions.
In this paper we point out an Ostrowski type inequality for convex functions which complement in a sense the recent results for functions of bounded variation and absolutely continuous functions. Applications in connection with the Hermite-Hadamard inequality are also considered.
Some trace inequalities of Shisha-Mond type for operators in Hilbert spaces are provided. Applications in connection to Grüss inequality and for convex functions of selfadjoint operators are also given.
Some operator inequalities for convex functions of commuting selfadjoint operators that are related to the Hermite-Hadamard inequality are given. Natural examples for some fundamental convex functions are presented as well.
New properties for some sequences of functions defined by multiple integrals associated with the Hermite-Hadamard integral inequality for convex functions and some applications are given.
In this paper we establish an upper and a lower bound for the -divergence of two discrete random variables under likelihood ratio constraints in terms of the Kullback-Leibler distance. Some particular cases for Hellinger and triangular discimination, -distance and Rényi’s divergences, etc. are also considered.
Some inequalities for the Stieltjes integral and applications in numerical integration are given. The Stieltjes integral is approximated by the product of the divided difference of the integrator and the Lebesgue integral of the integrand. Bounds on the approximation error are provided. Applications to the Fourier Sine and Cosine transforms on finite intervals are mentioned as well.
In this paper we introduce two mappings associated with the lower and upper semi-inner product and and with semi-inner products (in the sense of Lumer) which generate the norm of a real normed linear space, and study properties of monotonicity and boundedness of these mappings. We give a refinement of the Schwarz inequality, applications to the Birkhoff orthogonality, to smoothness of normed linear spaces as well as to the characterization of best approximants.
We establish in this paper some Jensen’s type inequalities for functions defined by power series with nonnegative coefficients. Applications for functions of selfadjoint operators on complex Hilbert spaces are provided as well.
Some new bounds for the Čebyšev functional in terms of the Lebesgue norms and the -seminorms are established. Applications for mid-point and trapezoid inequalities are provided as well.
Let be a continuous function on and , , the convex set of selfadjoint operators with spectra in . If and , as an operator function, is Gateaux differentiable on while is Lebesgue integrable, then we have the inequalities where is the Gateaux derivative of .
The concept of -divergences was introduced by Csiszár in 1963 as measures of the ‘hardness’ of a testing problem depending on a convex real valued function on the interval . The choice of this parameter can be adjusted so as to match the needs for specific applications. The definition and some of the most basic properties of -divergences are given and the class of -divergences is presented. Ostrowski’s inequality and a Trapezoid inequality are utilized in order to prove bounds for an extension...
In this paper we give a refinement of Jensen’s integral inequality and its generalization for linear functionals. We also present some applications in Information Theory.
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