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Stabilization of nonlinear systems with varying parameter by a control Lyapunov function

Wajdi KallelThouraya Kharrat — 2017


In this paper, we provide an explicit homogeneous feedback control with the requirement that a control Lyapunov function exists for affine in control systems with bounded parameter that satisfies an homogeneous condition. We use a modified version of the Sontag's formula to achieve our main goal. Moreover, we prove that the existence of an homogeneous control Lyapunov function for an homogeneous system leads to an homogeneous closed-loop system which is asymptotically stable by an homogeneous feedback...

Stabilization of homogeneous polynomial systems in the plane

Hamadi JerbiThouraya KharratKhaled Sioud — 2016


In this paper, we study the problem of stabilization via homogeneous feedback of single-input homogeneous polynomial systems in the plane. We give a complete classification of systems for which there exists a homogeneous stabilizing feedback that is smooth on 2 { ( 0 , 0 ) } and preserve the homogeneity of the closed loop system. Our results are essentially based on Theorem of Hahn in which the author gives necessary and sufficient conditions of stability of homogeneous systems in the plane.

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