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This paper provides an equivalent characterization of the discrete maximum principle for Galerkin solutions of general linear elliptic problems. The characterization is formulated in terms of the discrete Green’s function and the elliptic projection of the boundary data. This general concept is applied to the analysis of the discrete maximum principle for the higher-order finite elements in one-dimension and to the lowest-order finite elements on simplices of arbitrary dimension. The paper surveys...
A nonlinear parabolic problem with the Newton boundary conditions and its weak formulation are examined. The problem describes nonstationary heat conduction in inhomogeneous and anisotropic media. We prove a comparison principle which guarantees that for greater data we obtain, in general, greater weak solutions. A new strategy of proving the comparison principle is presented.
A posteriori error estimates for a nonlinear parabolic problem are introduced. A fully discrete scheme is studied. The space discretization is based on a concept of hierarchical finite element basis functions. The time discretization is done using singly implicit Runge-Kutta method (SIRK). The convergence of the effectivity index is proven.
Quasi-steady state assumptions are often used to simplify complex systems of ordinary differential equations in the modelling of biochemical processes. The simplified system is designed to have the same qualitative properties as the original system and to have a small number of variables. This enables to use the stability and bifurcation analysis to reveal a deeper structure in the dynamics of the original system. This contribution shows that introducing delays to quasi-steady state assumptions...
In this contribution we consider elliptic problems of a reaction-diffusion type discretized by the finite element method and study the quality of guaranteed upper bounds of the error. In particular, we concentrate on complementary error bounds whose values are determined by suitable flux reconstructions. We present numerical experiments comparing the performance of the local flux reconstruction of Ainsworth and Vejchodsky [2] and the reconstruction of Braess and Schöberl [5]. We evaluate the efficiency...
We present a method that in certain sense stores the inverse of the stiffness matrix in memory places, where is the number of degrees of freedom and hence the matrix size. The setup of this storage format requires arithmetic operations. However, once the setup is done, the multiplication of the inverse matrix and a vector can be performed with operations. This approach applies to the first order finite element discretization of linear elliptic and parabolic problems in triangular domains,...
This contribution shows how to compute upper bounds of the optimal constant in Friedrichs’ and similar inequalities. The approach is based on the method of [9]. However, this method requires trial and test functions with continuous second derivatives. We show how to avoid this requirement and how to compute the bounds on Friedrichs’ constant using standard finite element methods. This approach is quite general and allows variable coefficients and mixed boundary conditions. We use the computed...
This contribution presents a general numerical method for computing lower and
upper bound of the optimal constant in Friedrichs’ inequality. The standard Rayleigh-Ritz method is used for the lower bound and the method of is employed for the upper bound. Several numerical experiments show applicability and accuracy of this approach.
The equilibrated residual method and the method of hypercircle are popular methods for a posteriori error estimation for linear elliptic problems. Both these methods are intended to produce
guaranteed upper bounds of the energy norm of the error, but the equilibrated residual method is guaranteed only theoretically. The disadvantage of the hypercircle method is its globality, hence slowness. The combination of these two methods leads to local, hence fast, and guaranteed a posteriori error estimator....
This paper presents a review of the complementary technique with the emphasis on computable and guaranteed upper bounds of the approximation error. For simplicity, the approach is described on a numerical solution of the Poisson problem. We derive the complementary error bounds, prove their fundamental properties, present the method of hypercircle, mention possible generalizations and show a couple of numerical examples.
We study systems of two nonlinear reaction-diffusion partial differential equations undergoing diffusion driven instability. Such systems may have spatially inhomogeneous stationary solutions called Turing patterns. These solutions are typically non-unique and it is not clear how many of them exists. Since there are no analytical results available, we look for the number of distinct stationary solutions numerically. As a typical example, we investigate the reaction-diffusion system designed to model...
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