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Order by Relevance | Title | Year of publication

Marangoni Convection in a Photo-Chemically Reacting Liquid

A. A. GolovinV. A. Volpert — 2008

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Marangoni convection caused by a photochemical reaction of the type A h ν B in a deep liquid layer is studied. Linear stability analysis is performed and the conditions for Marangoni convection to occur are obtained. It is shown that increasing the rate of the direct reaction, for example, by increasing the light intensity, destabilizes the steady state and causes convective motion of the fluid, whereas increasing the rate of the inverse reaction stabilizes the steady state. A weakly nonlinear analysis...

Numerical Modelling of Contact Elastic-Plastic Flows

N. M. BessonovS. F. GolovashchenkoV. A. Volpert — 2009

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Wilkins' method has been successfully used since early 60s for numerical simulation of high velocity contact elastic-plastic flows. The present work proposes some effective modifications of this method including more sophisticated material model including the Baushinger effect; modification of the algorithm based on correction of the initial configuration of a solid; a contact algorithm based on the idea of a mild contact.

Spatial Dynamics of Contact-Activated Fibrin Clot Formation and in Haemophilia B: Effects of Severity and Ahemphil B Treatment

A. A. TokarevYu. V. KrasotkinaM. V. OvanesovM. A. PanteleevM. A. AzhigirovaV. A. VolpertF. I. AtaullakhanovA. A. Butilin — 2010

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

Spatial dynamics of fibrin clot formation in non-stirred system activated by glass surface was studied as a function of FIX activity. Haemophilia B plasma was obtained from untreated patients with different levels of FIX deficiency and from severe haemophilia B patient treated with FIX concentrate (Ahemphil B) during its clearance with half-life t=12 hours. As reported previously (Ataullakhanov et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1998; 1425: 453-468), clot growth in space showed two distinct phases: activation...

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