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A cohomological Steinness criterion for holomorphically spreadable complex spaces

Viorel Vâjâitu — 2010

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let X be a complex space of dimension n , not necessarily reduced, whose cohomology groups H 1 ( X , 𝒪 ) , ... , H n - 1 ( X , 𝒪 ) are of finite dimension (as complex vector spaces). We show that X is Stein (resp., 1 -convex) if, and only if, X is holomorphically spreadable (resp., X is holomorphically spreadable at infinity). This, on the one hand, generalizes a known characterization of Stein spaces due to Siu, Laufer, and Simha and, on the other hand, it provides a new criterion for 1 -convexity.

Grauert's line bundle convexity, reduction and Riemann domains

Viorel Vâjâitu — 2016

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We consider a convexity notion for complex spaces X with respect to a holomorphic line bundle L over X . This definition has been introduced by Grauert and, when L is analytically trivial, we recover the standard holomorphic convexity. In this circle of ideas, we prove the counterpart of the classical Remmert’s reduction result for holomorphically convex spaces. In the same vein, we show that if H 0 ( X , L ) separates each point of X , then X can be realized as a Riemann domain over the complex projective space...

Cousin-I spaces and domains of holomorphy

Ilie BârzăViorel Vâjâitu — 2009

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove that a Cousin-I open set D of an irreducible projective surface X is locally Stein at every boundary point which lies in X r e g . In particular, Cousin-I proper open sets of ℙ² are Stein. We also study K-envelopes of holomorphy of K-complete spaces.

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