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Signorini problem with a solution dependent coefficient of friction (model with given friction): Approximation and numerical realization

Jaroslav HaslingerOldřich Vlach — 2005

Applications of Mathematics

Contact problems with given friction and the coefficient of friction depending on their solutions are studied. We prove the existence of at least one solution; uniqueness is obtained under additional assumptions on the coefficient of friction. The method of successive approximations combined with the dual formulation of each iterative step is used for numerical realization. Numerical results of model examples are shown.

Solution of 3D contact shape optimization problems with Coulomb friction based on TFETI

Alexandros MarkopoulosPetr BeremlijskiOldřich VlachMarie Sadowská — 2023

Applications of Mathematics

The present paper deals with the numerical solution of 3D shape optimization problems in frictional contact mechanics. Mathematical modelling of the Coulomb friction problem leads to an implicit variational inequality which can be written as a fixed point problem. Furthermore, it is known that the discretized problem is uniquely solvable for small coefficients of friction. Since the considered problem is nonsmooth, we exploit the generalized Mordukhovich’s differential calculus to compute the needed...

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