Poznámka k povrchu množin
We discuss variations of functions that provide conceptually similar descriptive definitions of the Lebesgue and Denjoy-Perron integrals.
We study the relationship between derivates and variational measures of additive functions defined on families of figures or bounded sets of finite perimeter. Our results, valid in all dimensions, include a generalization of Ward’s theorem, a necessary and sufficient condition for derivability, and full descriptive definitions of certain conditionally convergent integrals.
The generalized Riemann integral of Pfeffer (1991) is defined on all bounded subsets of , but it is additive only with respect to pairs of disjoint sets whose closures intersect in a set of -finite Hausdorff measure of codimension one. Imposing a stronger regularity condition on partitions of sets, we define a Riemann-type integral which satisfies the usual additivity condition and extends the integral of Pfeffer. The new integral is lipeomorphism-invariant and closed with respect to the formation...
We present a descriptive definition of a multidimensional generalized Riemann integral based on a concept of generalized absolute continuity for additive functions of sets of bounded variation.
We present a Cauchy test for the almost derivability of additive functions of bounded BV sets. The test yields a full descriptive definition of a coordinate free Riemann type integral.
We present an example of a locally BV-integrable function in the real line whose indefinite integral is not the sum of a locally absolutely continuous function and a function that is Lipschitz at all but countably many points.
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