We introduce conformally flat Fefferman-Lorentz manifold of parabolic type as a special class of Lorentz parabolic manifolds. It is a smooth (2n+2)-manifold locally modeled on (Û(n+1, 1), S 2n+1,1). As the terminology suggests, when a Fefferman-Lorentz manifold M is conformally flat, M is a Fefferman-Lorentz manifold of parabolic type. We shall discuss which compact manifolds occur as a conformally flat Fefferman-Lorentz manifold of parabolic type.
An (m+2)-dimensional Lorentzian similarity manifold M is an affine flat manifold locally modeled on (G,ℝm+2), where G = ℝm+2 ⋊ (O(m+1, 1)×ℝ+). M is also a conformally flat Lorentzian manifold because G is isomorphic to the stabilizer of the Lorentzian group PO(m+2, 2) of the Lorentz model S m+1,1. We discuss the properties of compact Lorentzian similarity manifolds using developing maps and holonomy representations.
We define notion of a quaternionic and para-quaternionic CR structure on a (4n+3)-dimensional manifold M as a triple (ω1,ω2,ω3) of 1-forms such that the corresponding 2-forms satisfy some algebraic relations. We associate with such a structure an Einstein metric on M and establish relations between quaternionic CR structures, contact pseudo-metric 3-structures and pseudo-Sasakian 3-structures. Homogeneous examples of (para)-quaternionic CR manifolds are given and a reduction construction of non...
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