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Interpolation of κ -compactness and PCF

István JuhászZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 2009

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We call a topological space κ -compact if every subset of size κ has a complete accumulation point in it. Let Φ ( μ , κ , λ ) denote the following statement: μ < κ < λ = cf ( λ ) and there is { S ξ : ξ < λ } [ κ ] μ such that | { ξ : | S ξ A | = μ } | < λ whenever A [ κ ] < κ . We show that if Φ ( μ , κ , λ ) holds and the space X is both μ -compact and λ -compact then X is κ -compact as well. Moreover, from PCF theory we deduce Φ ( cf ( κ ) , κ , κ + ) for every singular cardinal κ . As a corollary we get that a linearly Lindelöf and ω -compact space is uncountably compact, that is κ -compact for all uncountable cardinals κ .

Compacta are maximally G δ -resolvable

István JuhászZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 2013

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

It is well-known that compacta (i.e. compact Hausdorff spaces) are maximally resolvable, that is every compactum X contains Δ ( X ) many pairwise disjoint dense subsets, where Δ ( X ) denotes the minimum size of a non-empty open set in X . The aim of this note is to prove the following analogous result: Every compactum X contains Δ δ ( X ) many pairwise disjoint G δ -dense subsets, where Δ δ ( X ) denotes the minimum size of a non-empty G δ set in X .

Regular spaces of small extent are ω-resolvable

István JuhászLajos SoukupZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 2015

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We improve some results of Pavlov and Filatova, concerning a problem of Malykhin, by showing that every regular space X that satisfies Δ(X) > e(X) is ω-resolvable. Here Δ(X), the dispersion character of X, is the smallest size of a non-empty open set in X, and e(X), the extent of X, is the supremum of the sizes of all closed-and-discrete subsets of X. In particular, regular Lindelöf spaces of uncountable dispersion character are ω-resolvable. We also prove that any regular...

First countable spaces without point-countable π-bases

István JuhászLajos SoukupZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 2007

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We answer several questions of V. Tkachuk [Fund. Math. 186 (2005)] by showing that ∙ there is a ZFC example of a first countable, 0-dimensional Hausdorff space with no point-countable π-base (in fact, the minimum order of a π-base of the space can be made arbitrarily large); ∙ if there is a κ-Suslin line then there is a first countable GO-space of cardinality κ⁺ in which the order of any π-base is at least κ; ∙ it is consistent to have a first countable,...

Coloring Cantor sets and resolvability of pseudocompact spaces

István JuhászLajos SoukupZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 2018

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let us denote by Φ ( λ , μ ) the statement that 𝔹 ( λ ) = D ( λ ) ω , i.e. the Baire space of weight λ , has a coloring with μ colors such that every homeomorphic copy of the Cantor set in 𝔹 ( λ ) picks up all the μ colors. We call a space X π -regular if it is Hausdorff and for every nonempty open set U in X there is a nonempty open set V such that V ¯ U . We recall that a space X is called feebly compact if every locally finite collection of open sets in X is finite. A Tychonov space is pseudocompact if and only if it...

Forcing countable networks for spaces satisfying R ( X ω ) = ω

István JuhászLajos SoukupZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 1996

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We show that all finite powers of a Hausdorff space X do not contain uncountable weakly separated subspaces iff there is a c.c.c poset P such that in V P X is a countable union of 0 -dimensional subspaces of countable weight. We also show that this theorem is sharp in two different senses: (i) we cannot get rid of using generic extensions, (ii) we have to consider all finite powers of X .

Two improvements on Tkačenko's addition theorem

János GerlitsIstván JuhászZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 2005

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We prove that (A) if a countably compact space is the union of countably many D subspaces then it is compact; (B) if a compact T 2 space is the union of fewer than N ( ) = cov ( ) left-separated subspaces then it is scattered. Both (A) and (B) improve results of Tkačenko from 1979; (A) also answers a question that was raised by Arhangel’skiǐ and improves a result of Gruenhage.

Eberlein spaces of finite metrizability number

István JuhászZoltán SzentmiklóssyAndrzej Szymański — 2007

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Yakovlev [, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. (1980), 263–283] showed that any Eberlein compactum is hereditarily σ -metacompact. We show that this property actually characterizes Eberlein compacta among compact spaces of finite metrizability number. Uniformly Eberlein compacta and Corson compacta of finite metrizability number can be characterized in an analogous way.

Cardinal sequences and Cohen real extensions

István JuhászSaharon ShelahLajos SoukupZoltán Szentmiklóssy — 2004

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We show that if we add any number of Cohen reals to the ground model then, in the generic extension, a locally compact scattered space has at most ( 2 ) V levels of size ω. We also give a complete ZFC characterization of the cardinal sequences of regular scattered spaces. Although the classes of regular and of 0-dimensional scattered spaces are different, we prove that they have the same cardinal sequences.

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