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Certain partitions on a set and their applications to different classes of graded algebras

Antonio J. Calderón MartínBoubacar Dieme — 2021

Communications in Mathematics

Let ( 𝔄 , ϵ u ) and ( 𝔅 , ϵ b ) be two pointed sets. Given a family of three maps = { f 1 : 𝔄 𝔄 ; f 2 : 𝔄 × 𝔄 𝔄 ; f 3 : 𝔄 × 𝔄 𝔅 } , this family provides an adequate decomposition of 𝔄 { ϵ u } as the orthogonal disjoint union of well-described -invariant subsets. This decomposition is applied to the structure theory of graded involutive algebras, graded quadratic algebras and graded weak H * -algebras.

The structure of split regular Hom-Poisson algebras

María J. Aragón PeriñánAntonio J. Calderón Martín — 2016

Colloquium Mathematicae

We introduce the class of split regular Hom-Poisson algebras formed by those Hom-Poisson algebras whose underlying Hom-Lie algebras are split and regular. This class is the natural extension of the ones of split Hom-Lie algebras and of split Poisson algebras. We show that the structure theorems for split Poisson algebras can be extended to the more general setting of split regular Hom-Poisson algebras. That is, we prove that an arbitrary split regular Hom-Poisson algebra is of the form = U + j I j with U...

The Banach-Lie Group of Lie Automorphisms of an H * -Algebra

Antonio J. Calderón MartínCandido Martín González — 2007

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

We study the Banach-Lie group Aut ( A - ) of Lie automorphisms of a complex associative H * -algebra. Also some consequences about its Lie algebra, the algebra of Lie derivations of A , are obtained. For a topologically simple A , in the infinite-dimensional case we have Aut ( A - ) 0 = Aut ( A ) implying Der ( A ) = Der ( A - ) . In the finite dimensional case Aut ( A - ) 0 is a direct product of Aut ( A ) and a certain subgroup of Lie derivations δ from A to its center, annihilating commutators.

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