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Prime divisors of linear recurrences and Artin's primitive root conjecture for number fields

Hans Roskam — 2001

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let S be a linear integer recurrent sequence of order k 3 , and define P S as the set of primes that divide at least one term of S . We give a heuristic approach to the problem whether P S has a natural density, and prove that part of our heuristics is correct. Under the assumption of a generalization of Artin’s primitive root conjecture, we find that P S has positive lower density for “generic” sequences S . Some numerical examples are included.

Artin's primitive root conjecture for quadratic fields

Hans Roskam — 2002

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Fix an element α in a quadratic field K . Define S as the set of rational primes p , for which α has maximal order modulo p . Under the assumption of the generalized Riemann hypothesis, we show that S has a density. Moreover, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for the density of S to be positive.

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