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Web 2.0 and the Global Transformation of Education Уеб 2.0 и глобалната трансформация на образованието

Nikolov, Roumen — 2011

Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians

Румен В. Николов - Статията анализира необходимостта от институционални промени в училищата и университетите с цел да се адаптират към съвременните изисквания на обществото на знанието. Паралелно се анализират феноменът на електронното обучение, глобалната образователна реформа и необходимостта от разработването и прилагането на нови педагогически модели. В статията е поставен акцент върху Уеб 2.0 технологиите и електронните инфраструктури, както и върху тяхното влияние върху образованието и научните...

The Global Campus - ICT and the Future of Universities

Nikolov, Roumen — 2010

Serdica Journal of Computing

This paper analyses the changes which the ICT causes on a global scale. The globalization of higher education triggered by e-Learning, the emergence of e-infrastructure for e-science, the Open Educational Resources movement, e-libraries and the tendency of building global educational alliances are analysed as well. Special emphasis is put on several wellknown university models, e.g. Research University, Open University and Entrepreneurial University, as well as on some emerging university models for...

Interoperability of Cross-Border European Egovernment Services: Some Design Issues

Stefanova, KameliaNikolov, Roumen — 2008

Serdica Journal of Computing

The authors analyse some of the research outcomes achieved during the implementation of the EC GUIDE research project “Creating an European Identity Management Architecture for eGovernment”, as well as their personal experience. The project goals and achievements are however considered in a broader context. The key role of Identity in the Information Society was emphasised, that the research and development in this field is in its initial phase. The scope of research related to Identity, including...

Smartbook: Semantics Inside

Koychev, IvanDicheva, DarinaNikolov, Roumen — 2010

Serdica Journal of Computing

This paper presents a vision for the future of the e-books which entails further development of technologies that will facilitate the creation and use of a new generation of "smart" books: e-books that are evolving, highly interactive, customisable, adaptable, intelligent, and furnished with a rich set of collaborative authoring and reading support services. The proposed set of tools will be integrated into an intelligent framework for collaborative book authoring and experiencing called SmartBook....

On Learning in a Smart City Environment

Advances in technology in recent years have changed the learning behaviours of learners and reshaped teaching methods and learning environments. This paper overviews a foundational framework and provides models for planning and implementing smart learning environments. Gartner’s 2015 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies identifies the computing innovations such as Internet of Things, Advanced Analytics, Machine Learning, Wearables, etc., that organisations should monitor. Learners and students, being...

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