Singular Moment Maps and Quaternionic Geometry
Andrew Swann (1997)
Banach Center Publications
Andrew Swann (1997)
Banach Center Publications
Dieter Kotschick (1995-1996)
Séminaire Bourbaki
Viktor Ginzburg, Richard Montgomery (2000)
Banach Center Publications
A geometric quantization of a Kähler manifold, viewed as a symplectic manifold, depends on the complex structure compatible with the symplectic form. The quantizations form a vector bundle over the space of such complex structures. Having a canonical quantization would amount to finding a natural (projectively) flat connection on this vector bundle. We prove that for a broad class of manifolds, including symplectic homogeneous spaces (e.g., the sphere), such connection does not exist....
Luis A. Cordero, Marisa Fernández, Manuel De León, Martín Saralegui (1989)
Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse : Mathématiques
Klaus Mohnke (1997)
Banach Center Publications
We discuss Taubes' idea to perturb the monopole equations on symplectic manifolds to compute the Seiberg-Witten invariants in the light of Witten's symmetry trick in the Kähler case.
Marisa Fernández, Manuel de León (1989)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae