Displaying similar documents to “ L 2 extension of adjoint line bundle sections”

Analytic inversion of adjunction: L 2 extension theorems with gain

Jeffery D. McNeal, Dror Varolin (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We establish new results on weighted L 2 -extension of holomorphic top forms with values in a holomorphic line bundle, from a smooth hypersurface cut out by a holomorphic function. The weights we use are determined by certain functions that we call denominators. We give a collection of examples of these denominators related to the divisor defined by the submanifold.

Numerical character of the effectivity of adjoint line bundles

Frédéric Campana, Vincent Koziarz, Mihai Păun (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


In this note we show that, for any log-canonical pair ( X , Δ ) , K X + Δ is -effective if its Chern class contains an effective -divisor. Then, we derive some direct corollaries.

Normalization of bundle holomorphic contractions and applications to dynamics

François Berteloot, Christophe Dupont, Laura Molino (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We establish a Poincaré-Dulac theorem for sequences ( G n ) n of holomorphic contractions whose differentials d 0 G n split regularly. The resonant relations determining the normal forms hold on the moduli of the exponential rates of contraction. Our results are actually stated in the framework of bundle maps. Such sequences of holomorphic contractions appear naturally as iterated inverse branches of endomorphisms of k . In this context, our normalization result allows to estimate precisely...

Invariance for multiples of the twisted canonical bundle

Benoît Claudon (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let 𝒳 Δ a smooth projective family and ( L , h ) a pseudo-effective line bundle on 𝒳 (i.e. with a non-negative curvature current Θ h L ). In its works on invariance of plurigenera, Y.-T. Siu was interested in extending sections of m K 𝒳 0 + L (defined over the central fiber of the family 𝒳 0 ) to sections of m K 𝒳 + L . In this article we consider the following problem: to extend sections of m ( K 𝒳 + L ) . More precisely, we show the following result: assuming the triviality...