Displaying similar documents to “A tentative answer to the Castel-San Pietro problem.”

On unitary Cauchy filters on topological monoids

Boris G. Averbukh (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications


For Hausdorff topological monoids, the concept of a unitary Cauchy net is a generalization of the concept of a fundamental sequence of reals. We consider properties and applications of such nets and of corresponding filters and prove, in particular, that the underlying set of a given monoid, endowed with the family of such filters, forms a Cauchy space whose convergence structure defines a uniform topology. A commutative monoid endowed with the corresponding uniformity is uniform. A...

Neighborhood base at the identity of free paratopological groups

Ali Sayed Elfard (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications


In 1985, V. G. Pestov described a neighborhood base at the identity of free topological groups on a Tychonoff space in terms of the elements of the fine uniformity on the Tychonoff space. In this paper, we extend Postev’s description to the free paratopological groups where we introduce a neighborhood base at the identity of free paratopological groups on any topological space in terms of the elements of the fine quasiuniformity on the space.

Nonexistence Results for Semilinear Equations in Carnot Groups

Fausto Ferrari, Andrea Pinamonti (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces


In this paper, following [3], we provide some nonexistence results for semilinear equations in the the class of Carnot groups of type ★.This class, see [20], contains, in particular, all groups of step 2; like the Heisenberg group, and also Carnot groups of arbitrarly large step. Moreover, we prove some nonexistence results for semilinear equations in the Engel group, which is the simplest Carnot group that is not of type ★.

Compactness of Special Functions of Bounded Higher Variation

Luigi Ambrosio, Francesco Ghiraldin (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces


Given an open set Ω ⊂ Rm and n > 1, we introduce the new spaces GBnV(Ω) of Generalized functions of bounded higher variation and GSBnV(Ω) of Generalized special functions of bounded higher variation that generalize, respectively, the space BnV introduced by Jerrard and Soner in [43] and the corresponding SBnV space studied by De Lellis in [24]. In this class of spaces, which allow as in [43] the description of singularities of codimension n, the distributional jacobian Ju need not...

A Riemann-Hilbert problem with a vanishing coefficient and applications to Toeplitz operators

A. Perälä, J. A. Virtanen, L. Wolf (2013)

Concrete Operators


We study the homogeneous Riemann-Hilbert problem with a vanishing scalar-valued continuous coefficient. We characterize non-existence of nontrivial solutions in the case where the coefficient has its values along several rays starting from the origin. As a consequence, some results on injectivity and existence of eigenvalues of Toeplitz operators in Hardy spaces are obtained.

Musielak-Orlicz-Hardy Spaces Associated with Operators Satisfying Reinforced Off-Diagonal Estimates

The Anh Bui, Jun Cao, Luong Dang Ky, Dachun Yang, Sibei Yang (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces


Let X be a metric space with doubling measure and L a one-to-one operator of type ω having a bounded H∞ -functional calculus in L2(X) satisfying the reinforced (pL; qL) off-diagonal estimates on balls, where pL ∊ [1; 2) and qL ∊ (2;∞]. Let φ : X × [0;∞) → [0;∞) be a function such that φ (x;·) is an Orlicz function, φ(·;t) ∊ A∞(X) (the class of uniformly Muckenhoupt weights), its uniformly critical upper type index l(φ) ∊ (0;1] and φ(·; t) satisfies the uniformly reverse Hölder inequality...

Mathematical modeling of semiconductor quantum dots based on the nonparabolic effective-mass approximation

Jinn-Liang Liu (2012)

Nanoscale Systems: Mathematical Modeling, Theory and Applications


Within the effective mass and nonparabolic band theory, a general framework of mathematical models and numerical methods is developed for theoretical studies of semiconductor quantum dots. It includes single-electron models and many-electron models of Hartree-Fock, configuration interaction, and current-spin density functional theory approaches. These models result in nonlinear eigenvalue problems from a suitable discretization. Cubic and quintic Jacobi-Davidson methods of block or nonblock...

On Asymmetric Distances

Andrea C.G. Mennucci (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces


In this paper we discuss asymmetric length structures and asymmetric metric spaces. A length structure induces a (semi)distance function; by using the total variation formula, a (semi)distance function induces a length. In the first part we identify a topology in the set of paths that best describes when the above operations are idempotent. As a typical application, we consider the length of paths defined by a Finslerian functional in Calculus of Variations. In the second part we generalize...

Cardinal invariants of paratopological groups

Iván Sánchez (2013)

Topological Algebra and its Applications


We show that a regular totally ω-narrow paratopological group G has countable index of regularity, i.e., for every neighborhood U of the identity e of G, we can find a neighborhood V of e and a countable family of neighborhoods of e in G such that ∩W∈γ VW−1⊆ U. We prove that every regular (Hausdorff) totally !-narrow paratopological group is completely regular (functionally Hausdorff). We show that the index of regularity of a regular paratopological group is less than or equal to the...

Resistance Conditions and Applications

Juha Kinnunen, Pilar Silvestre (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces


This paper studies analytic aspects of so-called resistance conditions on metric measure spaces with a doubling measure. These conditions are weaker than the usually assumed Poincaré inequality, but however, they are sufficiently strong to imply several useful results in analysis on metric measure spaces. We show that under a perimeter resistance condition, the capacity of order one and the Hausdorff content of codimension one are comparable. Moreover, we have connections to the Sobolev...

A Formula for Popp’s Volume in Sub-Riemannian Geometry

Davide Barilari, Luca Rizzi (2013)

Analysis and Geometry in Metric Spaces


For an equiregular sub-Riemannian manifold M, Popp’s volume is a smooth volume which is canonically associated with the sub-Riemannian structure, and it is a natural generalization of the Riemannian one. In this paper we prove a general formula for Popp’s volume, written in terms of a frame adapted to the sub-Riemannian distribution. As a first application of this result, we prove an explicit formula for the canonical sub- Laplacian, namely the one associated with Popp’s volume. Finally,...