Weak type estimates for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal functions
Luis Caffarelli, Calixto Calderón (1974)
Studia Mathematica
Luis Caffarelli, Calixto Calderón (1974)
Studia Mathematica
Leonardo Colzani, Javier Pérez Lázaro (2010)
Colloquium Mathematicae
We prove that peak shaped eigenfunctions of the one-dimensional uncentered Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator are symmetric and homogeneous. This implies that the norms of the maximal operator on L(p) spaces are not attained.
Liu, Lanzhe (2003)
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Guanghui Lu, Dinghuai Wang (2023)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We study the mapping property of the commutator of Hardy-Littlewood maximal function on Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Also, some new characterizations of the Lipschitz spaces are given.
Soulaymane Korry (2001)
Collectanea Mathematica
M. Mateljević, M. Pavlović (1982)
Matematički Vesnik
R. Kerman, A. Torchinsky (1982)
Studia Mathematica
Wu, Changhong, Liu, Lanzhe (2006)
Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
Soulaymane Korry (2002)
Revista Matemática Complutense
We describe a class O of nonlinear operators which are bounded on the Lizorkin-Triebel spaces F (R), for 0 < s < 1 and 1 < p, q < ∞. As a corollary, we prove that the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator is bounded on F (R), for 0 < s < 1 and 1 < p, q < ∞ ; this extends the result of Kinnunen (1997), valid for the Sobolev space H (R).
Dmitry V. Rutsky (2014)
Studia Mathematica
The Coifman-Fefferman inequality implies quite easily that a Calderón-Zygmund operator T acts boundedly in a Banach lattice X on ℝⁿ if the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator M is bounded in both X and X'. We establish a converse result under the assumption that X has the Fatou property and X is p-convex and q-concave with some 1 < p, q < ∞: if a linear operator T is bounded in X and T is nondegenerate in a certain sense (for example, if T is a Riesz transform) then M is bounded...
B. Florkiewicz, A. Rybarski (1972)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Mostafa A. Nasr (1977)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
M. Menárguez (1995)
Colloquium Mathematicae
It is known that the weak type (1,1) for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator can be obtained from the weak type (1,1) over Dirac deltas. This theorem is due to M. de Guzmán. In this paper, we develop a technique that allows us to prove such a theorem for operators and measure spaces in which Guzmán's technique cannot be used.