Integral inequalities with weights for the Hardy maximal function

R. Kerman; A. Torchinsky

Studia Mathematica (1982)

  • Volume: 71, Issue: 3, page 277-284
  • ISSN: 0039-3223

How to cite


Kerman, R., and Torchinsky, A.. "Integral inequalities with weights for the Hardy maximal function." Studia Mathematica 71.3 (1982): 277-284. <>.

author = {Kerman, R., Torchinsky, A.},
journal = {Studia Mathematica},
keywords = {Hardy maximal function; weighted integral inequalities},
language = {eng},
number = {3},
pages = {277-284},
title = {Integral inequalities with weights for the Hardy maximal function},
url = {},
volume = {71},
year = {1982},

AU - Kerman, R.
AU - Torchinsky, A.
TI - Integral inequalities with weights for the Hardy maximal function
JO - Studia Mathematica
PY - 1982
VL - 71
IS - 3
SP - 277
EP - 284
LA - eng
KW - Hardy maximal function; weighted integral inequalities
UR -
ER -

Citations in EuDML Documents

  1. Pedro Ortega Salvador, Weighted inequalities for one-sided maximal functions in Orlicz spaces
  2. Luboš Pick, Two-weight weak type maximal inequalities in Orlicz classes
  3. Steven Bloom, Ron Kerman, Weighted L Φ integral inequalities for operators of Hardy type
  4. E. Harboure, O. Salinas, B. Viviani, Reverse-Holder classes in the Orlicz spaces setting
  5. Gabriella Zecca, On the Dirichlet Problem with Orlicz Boundary Data
  6. Qiyu Sun, Weighted norm inequalities on spaces of homogeneous type
  7. S. Bloom, R. Kerman, Weighted Orlicz space integral inequalities for the Hardy-Littlewood maximal operator
  8. Amiran Gogatishvili, Luboš Pick, Weak and extra-weak type inequalities for the maximal operator and the Hilbert transform
  9. Alberto Fiorenza, Miroslav Krbec, Indices of Orlicz spaces and some applications
  10. Yanbo Ren, Shuang Ding, Necessary and sufficient conditions for the two-weight weak type maximal inequality in Orlicz class

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