Displaying similar documents to “Solvability of a forced autonomous Duffing's equation with periodic boundary conditions in the presence of damping”

Property C for ODE and Applications to an Inverse Problem for a Heat Equation

A. G. Ramm (2009)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics


Let j : = - d ² / d x ² + k ² q j ( x ) , k = const > 0, j = 1,2, 0 < e s s i n f q j ( x ) e s s s u p q j ( x ) < . Suppose that (*) 0 1 p ( x ) u ( x , k ) u ( x , k ) d x = 0 for all k > 0, where p is an arbitrary fixed bounded piecewise-analytic function on [0,1], which changes sign finitely many times, and u j solves the problem j u j = 0 , 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, u j ' ( 0 , k ) = 0 , u j ( 0 , k ) = 1 . It is proved that (*) implies p = 0. This result is applied to an inverse problem for a heat equation.

Integrals with respect to a Radon measure added to area type functionals: semi-continuity and relaxation

Michele Carriero, Antonio Leaci, Eduardo Pascali (1985)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Diamo condizioni sulle funzioni f , g e sulla misura μ affinché il funzionale F ( u ) = Ω f ( x , u , D u ) 𝑑 x + Ω ¯ g ( x , u ) 𝑑 μ sia L 1 ( Ω ) -semicontinuo inferiormente su W 1 , 1 ( Ω ) C 0 ( Ω ¯ ) . Affrontiamo successivamente il problema del rilassamento.

On the lower semicontinuity of certain integral functionals

Ennio De Giorgi, Giuseppe Buttazzo, Gianni Dal Maso (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Si dimostra che il funzionale Ω f ( u , D u ) 𝑑 x è semicontinuo inferiormente su W l o c 1 , 1 ( Ω ) , rispetto alla topologia indotta da L l o c 1 ( Ω ) , qualora l’integrando f ( s , p ) sia una funzione non-negativa, misurabile in s , convessa in p , limitata nell’intorno dei punti del tipo ( s , 0 ) , e tale che la funzione s f ( s , 0 ) sia semicontinua inferiormente su 𝐑 .

Upper bounds for singular perturbation problems involving gradient fields

Arkady Poliakovsky (2007)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We prove an upper bound for the Aviles–Giga problem, which involves the minimization of the energy E ε ( v ) = ε Ω | 2 v | 2 d x + ε 1 Ω ( 1 | v | 2 ) 2 d x over v H 2 ( Ω ) , where ε > 0 is a small parameter. Given v W 1 , ( Ω ) such that v B V and | v | = 1 a.e., we construct a family { v ε } satisfying: v ε v in W 1 , p ( Ω ) and E ε ( v ε ) 1 3 J v | + v v | 3 d N 1 as ε goes to 0.

Limits of minimum problems for general integral functionals with unilateral obstacles

Gianni Dal Maso (1983)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Se il problema di minimo ( 𝒫 ) è il limite, in senso variazionale, di una successione di problemi di minimo con ostacoli del tipo min u ψ h A [ f h ( x , u , D u ) + b ( x , u ) ] 𝑑 x , allora ( 𝒫 ) può essere scritto nella forma min u { A [ f ( x , u , D u ) + b ( x , u ) ] 𝑑 x + A g ( x , u ~ ( x ) ) 𝑑 λ ( x ) } dove u ~ è un conveniente rappresentante di u e λ è una misura non negativa.

Weighted H p spaces

José García-Cuerva


CONTENTSIntroduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 5Chapter I. Some preliminary lemmas............................................................................................................ 8Chapter II. Weighted H p spaces of analytic functions.......................................................................... 13 1. Behaviour at the boundary..........................................................................................................................

Moser's Inequality for a class of integral operators

Finbarr Holland, David Walsh (1995)

Studia Mathematica


Let 1 < p < ∞, q = p/(p-1) and for f L p ( 0 , ) define F ( x ) = ( 1 / x ) ʃ 0 x f ( t ) d t , x > 0. Moser’s Inequality states that there is a constant C p such that s u p a 1 s u p f B p ʃ 0 e x p [ a x q | F ( x ) | q - x ] d x = C p where B p is the unit ball of L p . Moreover, the value a = 1 is sharp. We observe that F = K 1 f where the integral operator K 1 has a simple kernel K. We consider the question of for what kernels K(t,x), 0 ≤ t, x < ∞, this result can be extended, and proceed to discuss this when K is non-negative and homogeneous of degree -1. A sufficient condition on K is found for...

On the uniqueness of periodic decomposition

Viktor Harangi (2011)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let a , . . . , a k be arbitrary nonzero real numbers. An ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition of a function f:ℝ → ℝ is a sum f + + f k = f where f i : is an a i -periodic function. Such a decomposition is not unique because there are several solutions of the equation h + + h k = 0 with h i : a i -periodic. We will give solutions of this equation with a certain simple structure (trivial solutions) and study whether there exist other solutions or not. If not, we say that the ( a , . . . , a k ) -decomposition is essentially unique. We characterize those periods for which essential...

A symmetry problem in the calculus of variations

Graziano Crasta (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider the integral functional J ( u ) = Ω [ f ( | D u | ) u ] d x , u W 0 1 , 1 ( Ω ) , where Ω n , n 2 , is a nonempty bounded connected open subset of n with smooth boundary, and s f ( | s | ) is a convex, differentiable function. We prove that if J admits a minimizer in W 0 1 , 1 ( Ω ) depending only on the distance from the boundary of Ω , then Ω must be a ball.

Positivity and anti-maximum principles for elliptic operators with mixed boundary conditions

Catherine Bandle, Joachim von Below, Wolfgang Reichel (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider linear elliptic equations - Δ u + q ( x ) u = λ u + f in bounded Lipschitz domains D N with mixed boundary conditions u / n = σ ( x ) λ u + g on D . The main feature of this boundary value problem is the appearance of λ both in the equation and in the boundary condition. In general we make no assumption on the sign of the coefficient σ ( x ) . We study positivity principles and anti-maximum principles. One of our main results states that if σ is somewhere negative, q 0 and D q ( x ) d x > 0 then there exist two eigenvalues λ - 1 , λ 1 such the positivity...

Cobham's theorem for substitutions

Fabien Durand (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The seminal theorem of Cobham has given rise during the last 40 years to a lot of work about non-standard numeration systems and has been extended to many contexts. In this paper, as a result of fifteen years of improvements, we obtain a complete and general version for the so-called substitutive sequences. Let α and β be two multiplicatively independent Perron numbers. Then a sequence x A , where A is a finite alphabet, is both α -substitutive and β -substitutive if and only if x is ultimately...

Convolution operators with anisotropically homogeneous measures on 2 n with n-dimensional support

E. Ferreyra, T. Godoy, M. Urciuolo (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let α i , β i > 0 , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, and for t > 0 and x = (x₁,...,xₙ) ∈ ℝⁿ, let t x = ( t α x , . . . , t α x ) , t x = ( t β x , . . . , t β x ) and | | x | | = i = 1 n | x i | 1 / α i . Let φ₁,...,φₙ be real functions in C ( - 0 ) such that φ = (φ₁,..., φₙ) satisfies φ(t • x) = t ∘ φ(x). Let γ > 0 and let μ be the Borel measure on 2 n given by μ ( E ) = χ E ( x , φ ( x ) ) | | x | | γ - α d x , where α = i = 1 n α i and dx denotes the Lebesgue measure on ℝⁿ. Let T μ f = μ f and let | | T μ | | p , q be the operator norm of T μ from L p ( 2 n ) into L q ( 2 n ) , where the L p spaces are taken with respect to the Lebesgue measure. The type set E μ is defined by E μ = ( 1 / p , 1 / q ) : | | T μ | | p , q < , 1 p , q . In the case α i β k for 1 ≤ i,k ≤ n we characterize the...

On boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear generalized ordinary differential equations

Malkhaz Ashordia (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


A general theorem (principle of a priori boundedness) on solvability of the boundary value problem d x = d A ( t ) · f ( t , x ) , h ( x ) = 0 is established, where f : [ a , b ] × n n is a vector-function belonging to the Carathéodory class corresponding to the matrix-function A : [ a , b ] n × n with bounded total variation components, and h : BV s ( [ a , b ] , n ) n is a continuous operator. Basing on the mentioned principle of a priori boundedness, effective criteria are obtained for the solvability of the system under the condition x ( t 1 ( x ) ) = ( x ) · x ( t 2 ( x ) ) + c 0 , where t i : BV s ( [ a , b ] , n ) [ a , b ] ( i = 1 , 2 ) and : BV s ( [ a , b ] , n ) n are continuous...

R z -supercontinuous functions

Davinder Singh, Brij Kishore Tyagi, Jeetendra Aggarwal, Jogendra K. Kohli (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica


A new class of functions called “ R z -supercontinuous functions” is introduced. Their basic properties are studied and their place in the hierarchy of strong variants of continuity that already exist in the literature is elaborated. The class of R z -supercontinuous functions properly includes the class of R cl -supercontinuous functions, Tyagi, Kohli, Singh (2013), which in its turn contains the class of cl -supercontinuous ( clopen continuous) functions, Singh (2007), Reilly, Vamanamurthy (1983),...

Admissible spaces for a first order differential equation with delayed argument

Nina A. Chernyavskaya, Lela S. Dorel, Leonid A. Shuster (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We consider the equation - y ' ( x ) + q ( x ) y ( x - ϕ ( x ) ) = f ( x ) , x , where ϕ and q ( q 1 ) are positive continuous functions for all x and f C ( ) . By a solution of the equation we mean any function y , continuously differentiable everywhere in , which satisfies the equation for all x . We show that under certain additional conditions on the functions ϕ and q , the above equation has a unique solution y , satisfying the inequality y ' C ( ) + q y C ( ) c f C ( ) , where the constant c ( 0 , ) does not depend on the choice of f .

Differences of two semiconvex functions on the real line

Václav Kryštof, Luděk Zajíček (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


It is proved that real functions on which can be represented as the difference of two semiconvex functions with a general modulus (or of two lower C 1 -functions, or of two strongly paraconvex functions) coincide with semismooth functions on (i.e. those locally Lipschitz functions on for which f + ' ( x ) = lim t x + f + ' ( t ) and f - ' ( x ) = lim t x - f - ' ( t ) for each x ). Further, for each modulus ω , we characterize the class D S C ω of functions on which can be written as f = g - h , where g and h are semiconvex with modulus C ω (for some C > 0 ) using a new...

Subproducts defined by means of subdirect products

Frans Loonstra (1982)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


Si supponga che l'anello 𝐑 ammetta una decomposizione come prodotto subdiretto 𝐑 = × α 𝚲 ~ 𝐑 α di anelli 𝐑 α , tali che per 𝐒 α = 𝐑 𝐑 α si abbia Ann 𝐑 α 𝐒 α = ( α A ), e sia 𝐒 = α 𝐀 𝐒 α . Si scelga un 𝐑 -modulo (destro) 𝐌 che sia libero da torsione rispetto ad 𝐒 , cioè Ann 𝐌 𝐒 = ; allora 𝐌 può essere rappresentato come prodotto subdiretto irridondante 𝐌 × α 𝚲 ~ 𝐌 α degli 𝐑 α -moduli 𝐌 α liberi da torsione rispetto ad 𝐒 α . Si fa uno studio di un subprodotto generale di una classe 𝐂 di 𝐑 -moduli 𝐌 ( 𝐢 ) ( i I ) , dove 𝐂 è determinato per mezzo di epimorfismi e relazioni. ...