Displaying similar documents to “Amenability, unimodularity, and the spectral radius of random walks on finite graphs.”

Matrix and discrepancy view of generalized random and quasirandom graphs

Marianna Bolla, Ahmed Elbanna (2016)

Special Matrices


We will discuss how graph based matrices are capable to find classification of the graph vertices with small within- and between-cluster discrepancies. The structural eigenvalues together with the corresponding spectral subspaces of the normalized modularity matrix are used to find a block-structure in the graph. The notions are extended to rectangular arrays of nonnegative entries and to directed graphs. We also investigate relations between spectral properties, multiway discrepancies,...

Asymptotic spectral analysis of generalized Erdős-Rényi random graphs

Song Liang, Nobuaki Obata, Shuji Takahashi (2007)

Banach Center Publications


Motivated by the Watts-Strogatz model for a complex network, we introduce a generalization of the Erdős-Rényi random graph. We derive a combinatorial formula for the moment sequence of its spectral distribution in the sparse limit.

The sizes of components in random circle graphs

Ramin Imany-Nabiyyi (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory


We study random circle graphs which are generated by throwing n points (vertices) on the circle of unit circumference at random and joining them by an edge if the length of shorter arc between them is less than or equal to a given parameter d. We derive here some exact and asymptotic results on sizes (the numbers of vertices) of "typical" connected components for different ways of sampling them. By studying the joint distribution of the sizes of two components, we "go into" the structure...