Displaying similar documents to “Hysteresis filtering in the space of bounded measurable functions”

Partial Hölder continuity results for solutions of non linear non variational elliptic systems with limit controlled growth

Luisa Fattorusso, Giovanna Idone (2002)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let Ω be a bounded open subset of R n , n > 4 , of class C 2 . Let u H 2 Ω a solution of elliptic non linear non variational system a x , u , D u , H u = b x , u , D u where a x , u , μ , ξ and b x , u , μ are vectors in R N , N 1 , measurable in x , continuous in u , μ , ξ and u , μ respectively. Here, we demonstrate that if b x , u , μ has limit controlled growth, if a x , u , μ , ξ is of class C 1 in ξ and satisfies the Campanato condition A and, together with a ξ , certain continuity assumptions, then the vector D u is partially Hölder continuous for every exponent α < 1 - n p .

Homogenization of some nonlinear problems with specific dependence upon coordinates

P. Courilleau, S. Fabre, J. Mossino (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Questo articolo considera una successione di equazioni differenziali a derivate parziali non lineari in forma di divergenza del tipo - div Q ϵ G x , N ϵ u = f ϵ , in un dominio limitato Ω dello spazio n -dimensionale; Q ϵ = Q ϵ x e N ϵ = N ϵ x sono matrici con coefficenti limitati, N ϵ e è invertibile e la sua matrice inversa R ϵ ha anche coefficenti limitati. La non linearità è dovuta alla funzione G = G x , ξ ; la condizione di crescita, la monotonicità e le ipotesi di coercitività sono modellate sul p -Laplaciano, 1 < p < , ed assicurano l'esistenza di...

Γ -convergence of constrained Dirichlet functionals

Gian Paolo Leonardi (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Given an open, bounded and connected set Ω R n with Lipschitz boundary and volume Ω , we prove that the sequence F k of Dirichlet functionals defined on H 1 Ω ; R d , with volume constraints v k on m 2 fixed level-sets, and such that i = 1 m v i k < Ω for all k , Γ -converges, as v k v with i = 1 m v i k = Ω , to the squared total variation on B V V ; R d , with v as volume constraint on the same level-sets.

Existence and boundedness of minimizers of a class of integral functionals

A. Mercaldo (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


In this paper we consider a class of integral functionals whose integrand satisfies growth conditions of the type f ( x , η , ξ ) a ( x ) | ξ | p ( 1 + | η | ) α - b 1 ( x ) | η | β 1 - g 1 ( x ) , f ( x , η , 0 ) b 2 ( x ) | η | β 2 + g 2 ( x ) , where 0 α < p , 1 β 1 < p , 0 β 2 < p , α + β i p , a x , b i x , g i x ( i = 1 , 2 ) are nonnegative functions satisfying suitable summability assumptions. We prove the existence and boundedness of minimizers of such a functional in the class of functions belonging to the weighted Sobolev space W 1 , p a , which assume a boundary datum u 0 W 1 , p a L Ω .

On the Existence of Solutions for Abstract Nonlinear Operator Equations

Marek Galewski (2007)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


We provide a duality theory and existence results for a operator equation T ( x ) = N ( x ) where T is not necessarily a monotone operator. We use the abstract version of the so called dual variational method. The solution is obtained as a limit of a minimizng sequence whose existence and convergence is proved.