Displaying similar documents to “Active fault diagnosis based on stochastic tests”

A double window state observer for detection and isolation of abrupt changes in parameters

Jędrzej Byrski, Witold Byrski (2016)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


The paper presents a new method for diagnosis of a process fault which takes the form of an abrupt change in some real parameter of a time-continuous linear system. The abrupt fault in the process real parameter is reflected in step changes in many parameters of the input/output model as well as in step changes in canonical state variables of the system. Detection of these state changes will enable localization of the faulty parameter in the system. For detecting state changes, a special...

A model-based approach to fault-tolerant control

Hans Henrik Niemann (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


A model-based controller architecture for Fault-Tolerant Control (FTC) is presented in this paper. The controller architecture is based on a general controller parameterization. The FTC architecture consists of two main parts, a Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) part and a controller reconfiguration part. The theoretical basis for the architecture is given followed by an investigation of the single parts in the architecture. It is shown that the general controller parameterization...

Neural network-based fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control for nonlinear systems with output measurement noise

Yanjun Shen, Chen Ma, Chenhao Zhao, Zebin Wu (2024)



In this article, the problems of fault diagnosis (FD) and fault-tolerant control (FTC) are investigated for a class of nonlinear systems with output measurement noise. Due to the influence of measurement noise in the output sensor, the output observation error cannot be accurately obtained, which causes obstacles to the accuracy of FD. To address this issue, an output filter and disturbance estimator are constructed to decrease the negative effects of measurement noise and observer gain...

Detection and accommodation of second order distributed parameter systems with abrupt changes in input term: stability and adaptation

Michael A. Demetriou, Marios M. Polycarpou (1998)



In this note, we employ nonlinear on-line parameter estimation methods based on adaptive neural network approximators for detecting changes due to actuator faults in a class of second order distributed parameter systems. The motivating example is a cantilevered beam actuated via a pair of piezoceramic patches. We examine changes in the control input term, which provide a simple and practical model of actuator failures. Using Lyapunov redesign methods, a stable learning scheme for fault...

Sliding mode methods for fault detection and fault tolerant control with application to aerospace systems

Christopher Edwards, Halim Alwi, Chee Pin Tan (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


Sliding mode methods have been historically studied because of their strong robustness properties with regard to a certain class of uncertainty, achieved by employing nonlinear control/injection signals to force the system trajectories to attain in finite time a motion along a surface in the state-space. This paper will consider how these ideas can be exploited for fault detection (specifically fault signal estimation) and subsequently fault tolerant control. It will also describe applications...

Actuator fault diagnosis for flat systems: A constraint satisfaction approach

Ramatou Seydou, Tarek Raissi, Ali Zolghadri, Denis Efimov (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper describes a robust set-membership-based Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI) technique for a particular class of nonlinear systems, the so-called flat systems. The proposed strategy consists in checking if the expected input value belongs to an estimated feasible set computed using the system model and the derivatives of the measured output vector. The output derivatives are computed using a numerical differentiator. The set-membership estimator design for the input vector...

Fault diagnosis and fault tolerant control using set-membership approaches: Application to real case studies

Vicenç Puig (2010)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science


This paper reviews the use of set-membership methods in fault diagnosis (FD) and fault tolerant control (FTC). Setmembership methods use a deterministic unknown-but-bounded description of noise and parametric uncertainty (interval models). These methods aims at checking the consistency between observed and predicted behaviour by using simple sets to approximate the exact set of possible behaviour (in the parameter or the state space). When an inconsistency is detected between the measured...