Displaying similar documents to “On a discrete version of the antipodal theorem”

Normal numbers and subsets of N with given densities

Haseo Ki, Tom Linton (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For X ⊆ [0,1], let D X denote the collection of subsets of ℕ whose densities lie in X. Given the exact location of X in the Borel or difference hierarchy, we exhibit the exact location of D X . For α ≥ 3, X is properly D ξ ( Π α 0 ) iff D X is properly D ξ ( Π 1 + α 0 ) . We also show that for every nonempty set X ⊆[0,1], D X is Π 3 0 -hard. For each nonempty Π 2 0 set X ⊆ [0,1], in particular for X = x, D X is Π 3 0 -complete. For each n ≥ 2, the collection of real numbers that are normal or simply normal to base n is Π 3 0 -complete. Moreover,...

Ergodic averages and free 2 actions

Zoltán Buczolich (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


If the ergodic transformations S, T generate a free 2 action on a finite non-atomic measure space (X,S,µ) then for any c 1 , c 2 there exists a measurable function f on X for which ( N + 1 ) - 1 j = 0 N f ( S j x ) c 1 and ( N + 1 ) - 1 j = 0 N f ( T j x ) c 2 µ -almost everywhere as N → ∞. In the special case when S, T are rationally independent rotations of the circle this result answers a question of M. Laczkovich.

Strongly meager sets and subsets of the plane

Janusz Pawlikowski (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X 2 w . Consider the class of all Borel F X × 2 w with null vertical sections F x , x ∈ X. We show that if for all such F and all null Z ⊆ X, x Z F x is null, then for all such F, x X F x 2 w . The theorem generalizes the fact that every Sierpiński set is strongly meager and was announced in [P].

An extension of a theorem of Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund on differentiability

S. Mukhopadhyay, S. Mitra (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let f be a measurable function such that Δ k ( x , h ; f ) = O ( | h | λ ) at each point x of a set E, where k is a positive integer, λ > 0 and Δ k ( x , h ; f ) is the symmetric difference of f at x of order k. Marcinkiewicz and Zygmund [5] proved that if λ = k and if E is measurable then the Peano derivative f ( k ) exists a.e. on E. Here we prove that if λ > k-1 then the Peano derivative f ( [ λ ] ) exists a.e. on E and that the result is false if λ = k-1; it is further proved that if λ is any positive integer and if the approximate Peano...

A note on strange nonchaotic attractors

Gerhard Keller (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For a class of quasiperiodically forced time-discrete dynamical systems of two variables (θ,x) ∈ T 1 × + with nonpositive Lyapunov exponents we prove the existence of an attractor Γ̅ with the following properties:  1. Γ̅ is the closure of the graph of a function x = ϕ(θ). It attracts Lebesgue-a.e. starting point in T 1 × + . The set θ:ϕ(θ) ≠ 0 is meager but has full 1-dimensional Lebesgue measure.  2. The omega-limit of Lebesgue-a.e point in T 1 × + is Γ ̅ , but for a residual set of points in T 1 × + the omega...

Growth of the product j = 1 n ( 1 - x a j )

J. P. Bell, P. B. Borwein, L. B. Richmond (1998)

Acta Arithmetica


We estimate the maximum of j = 1 n | 1 - x a j | on the unit circle where 1 ≤ a₁ ≤ a₂ ≤ ... is a sequence of integers. We show that when a j is j k or when a j is a quadratic in j that takes on positive integer values, the maximum grows as exp(cn), where c is a positive constant. This complements results of Sudler and Wright that show exponential growth when a j is j.    In contrast we show, under fairly general conditions, that the maximum is less than 2 n / n r , where r is an arbitrary positive number. One consequence...

Strongly almost disjoint familes, revisited

A. Hajnal, Istvan Juhász, Saharon Shelah (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The relations M(κ,λ,μ) → B [resp. B(σ)] meaning that if A [ κ ] λ with |A|=κ is μ-almost disjoint then A has property B [resp. has a σ-transversal] had been introduced and studied under GCH in [EH]. Our two main results here say the following: Assume GCH and let ϱ be any regular cardinal with a supercompact [resp. 2-huge] cardinal above ϱ. Then there is a ϱ-closed forcing P such that, in V P , we have both GCH and M ( ϱ ( + ϱ + 1 ) , ϱ + , ϱ ) B [resp. M ( ϱ ( + ϱ + 1 ) , λ , ϱ ) B ( ϱ + ) for all λ ϱ ( + ϱ + 1 ) ] . These show that, consistently, the results of [EH] are sharp....

Co-H-structures on equivariant Moore spaces

Martin Arkowitz, Marek Golasiński (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let G be a finite group, 𝕆 G the category of canonical orbits of G and A : 𝕆 G 𝔸 b a contravariant functor to the category of abelian groups. We investigate the set of G-homotopy classes of comultiplications of a Moore G-space of type (A,n) where n ≥ 2 and prove that if such a Moore G-space X is a cogroup, then it has a unique comultiplication if dim X < 2n - 1. If dim X = 2n-1, then the set of comultiplications of X is in one-one correspondence with E x t n - 1 ( A , A A ) . Then the case G = p k leads to an example of...

Partition properties of subsets of Pκλ

Masahiro Shioya (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let κ > ω be a regular cardinal and λ > κ a cardinal. The following partition property is shown to be consistent relative to a supercompact cardinal: For any f : n < ω [ X ] n γ with X P κ λ unbounded and 1 < γ < κ there is an unbounded Y ∪ X with | f ' ' [ Y ] n | = 1 for any n < ω.

On sums of two cubes: an Ω₊-estimate for the error term

M. Kühleitner, W. G. Nowak, J. Schoissengeier, T. D. Wooley (1998)

Acta Arithmetica


The arithmetic function r k ( n ) counts the number of ways to write a natural number n as a sum of two kth powers (k ≥ 2 fixed). The investigation of the asymptotic behaviour of the Dirichlet summatory function of r k ( n ) leads in a natural way to a certain error term P k ( t ) which is known to be O ( t 1 / 4 ) in mean-square. In this article it is proved that P ( t ) = Ω ( t 1 / 4 ( l o g l o g t ) 1 / 4 ) as t → ∞. Furthermore, it is shown that a similar result would be true for every fixed k > 3 provided that a certain set of algebraic numbers contains a...

A generalization of Zeeman’s family

Michał Sierakowski (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


E. C. Zeeman [2] described the behaviour of the iterates of the difference equation x n + 1 = R ( x n , x n - 1 , . . . , x n - k ) / Q ( x n , x n - 1 , . . . , x n - k ) , n ≥ k, R,Q polynomials in the case k = 1 , Q = x n - 1 and R = x n + α , x 1 , x 2 positive, α nonnegative. We generalize his results as well as those of Beukers and Cushman on the existence of an invariant measure in the case when R,Q are affine and k = 1. We prove that the totally invariant set remains residual when the coefficients vary.

A forcing construction of thin-tall Boolean algebras

Juan Martínez (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


It was proved by Juhász and Weiss that for every ordinal α with 0 < α < ω 2 there is a superatomic Boolean algebra of height α and width ω. We prove that if κ is an infinite cardinal such that κ < κ = κ and α is an ordinal such that 0 < α < κ + + , then there is a cardinal-preserving partial order that forces the existence of a superatomic Boolean algebra of height α and width κ. Furthermore, iterating this forcing through all α < κ + + , we obtain a notion of forcing that preserves cardinals and such that in the corresponding...

Difference functions of periodic measurable functions

Tamás Keleti (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We investigate some problems of the following type: For which sets H is it true that if f is in a given class ℱ of periodic functions and the difference functions Δ h f ( x ) = f ( x + h ) - f ( x ) are in a given smaller class G for every h ∈ H then f itself must be in G? Denoting the class of counter-example sets by ℌ(ℱ,G), that is, ( , G ) = H / : ( f G ) ( h H ) Δ h f G , we try to characterize ℌ(ℱ,G) for some interesting classes of functions ℱ ⊃ G. We study classes of measurable functions on the circle group 𝕋 = / that are invariant for changes on null-sets...

How to recognize a true Σ^0_3 set

Etienne Matheron (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be a Polish space, and let ( A p ) p ω be a sequence of G δ hereditary subsets of K(X) (the space of compact subsets of X). We give a general criterion which allows one to decide whether p ω A p is a true 3 0 subset of K(X). We apply this criterion to show that several natural families of thin sets from harmonic analysis are true 3 0 .

Decomposing Baire class 1 functions into continuous functions

Saharon Shelah, Juris Steprans (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


It is shown to be consistent that every function of first Baire class can be decomposed into 1 continuous functions yet the least cardinal of a dominating family in ω ω is 2 . The model used in the one obtained by adding ω 2 Miller reals to a model of the Continuum Hypothesis.

On character and chain conditions in images of products

Murray Bell (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A scadic space is a Hausdorff continuous image of a product of compact scattered spaces. We complete a theorem begun by G. Chertanov that will establish that for each scadic space X, χ(X) = w(X). A ξ-adic space is a Hausdorff continuous image of a product of compact ordinal spaces. We introduce an either-or chain condition called Property R λ ' which we show is satisfied by all ξ-adic spaces. Whereas Property R λ ' is productive, we show that a weaker (but more natural) Property R λ is not productive....

Σ -products of paracompact Čech-scattered spaces

Hidenori Tanaka (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In this paper, we shall discuss Σ -products of paracompact Čech-scattered spaces and show the following: (1) Let Σ be a Σ -product of paracompact Čech-scattered spaces. If Σ has countable tightness, then it is collectionwise normal. (2) If Σ is a Σ -product of first countable, paracompact (subparacompact) Čech-scattered spaces, then it is shrinking (subshrinking).