Displaying similar documents to “On backward stability of holomorphic dynamical systems”

The geometry of laminations

Robbert Fokkink, Lex Oversteegen (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A lamination is a continuum which locally is the product of a Cantor set and an arc. We investigate the topological structure and embedding properties of laminations. We prove that a nondegenerate lamination cannot be tree-like and that a planar lamination has at least four complementary domains. Furthermore, a lamination in the plane can be obtained by a lakes of Wada construction.

Each nowhere dense nonvoid closed set in Rn is a σ-limit set

Andrei Sivak (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We discuss main properties of the dynamics on minimal attraction centers (σ-limit sets) of single trajectories for continuous maps of a compact metric space into itself. We prove that each nowhere dense nonvoid closed set in n , n ≥ 1, is a σ-limit set for some continuous map.

Period doubling, entropy, and renormalization

Jun Hu, Charles Tresser (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that in any family of stunted sawtooth maps, the set of maps whose set of periods is the set of all powers of 2 has no interior point. Similar techniques then allow us to show that, under mild assumptions, smooth multimodal maps whose set of periods is the set of all powers of 2 are infinitely renormalizable with the diameters of all periodic intervals going to zero as the period goes to infinity.

Partition properties of ω1 compatible with CH

Uri Abraham, Stevo Todorčević (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


A combinatorial statement concerning ideals of countable subsets of ω is introduced and proved to be consistent with the Continuum Hypothesis. This statement implies the Suslin Hypothesis, that all (ω, ω*)-gaps are Hausdorff, and that every coherent sequence on ω either almost includes or is orthogonal to some uncountable subset of ω.

Are initially ω 1 -compact separable regular spaces compact?

Alan Dow, Istvan Juhász (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We investigate the question of the title. While it is immediate that CH yields a positive answer we discover that the situation under the negation of CH holds some surprises.

Connected covers and Neisendorfer's localization theorem

C. McGibbon, J. Møller (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Our point of departure is J. Neisendorfer's localization theorem which reveals a subtle connection between some simply connected finite complexes and their connected covers. We show that even though the connected covers do not forget that they came from a finite complex their homotopy-theoretic properties are drastically different from those of finite complexes. For instance, connected covers of finite complexes may have uncountable genus or nontrivial SNT sets, their Lusternik-Schnirelmann...

Dense orderings, partitions and weak forms of choice

Carlos González (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We investigate the relative consistency and independence of statements which imply the existence of various kinds of dense orders, including dense linear orders. We study as well the relationship between these statements and others involving partition properties. Since we work in ZF (i.e. without the Axiom of Choice), we also analyze the role that some weaker forms of AC play in this context

Composants of the horseshoe

Christoph Bandt (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The horseshoe or bucket handle continuum, defined as the inverse limit of the tent map, is one of the standard examples in continua theory as well as in dynamical systems. It is not arcwise connected. Its arcwise components coincide with composants, and with unstable manifolds in the dynamical setting. Knaster asked whether these composants are all homeomorphic, with the obvious exception of the zero composant. Partial results were obtained by Bellamy (1979), Dębski and Tymchatyn (1987),...

Expansions of the real line by open sets: o-minimality and open cores

Chris Miller, Patrick Speissegger (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The open core of a structure ℜ := (ℝ,<,...) is defined to be the reduct (in the sense of definability) of ℜ generated by all of its definable open sets. If the open core of ℜ is o-minimal, then the topological closure of any definable set has finitely many connected components. We show that if every definable subset of ℝ is finite or uncountable, or if ℜ defines addition and multiplication and every definable open subset of ℝ has finitely many connected components, then the open core...