Displaying similar documents to “ B q for parabolic measures”

The representation of smooth functions in terms of the fundamental solution of a linear parabolic equation

Neil Watson (2000)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let L be a second order, linear, parabolic partial differential operator, with bounded Hölder continuous coefficients, defined on the closure of the strip X = n × ] 0 , a [ . We prove a representation theorem for an arbitrary C 2 , 1 function, in terms of the fundamental solution of the equation Lu=0. Such a theorem was proved in an earlier paper for a parabolic operator in divergence form with C coefficients, but here much weaker conditions suffice. Some consequences of the representation theorem, for the...

The Wolff gradient bound for degenerate parabolic equations

Tuomo Kuusi, Giuseppe Mingione (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


The spatial gradient of solutions to non-homogeneous and degenerate parabolic equations of p -Laplacean type can be pointwise estimated by natural Wolff potentials of the right hand side measure.

Boundary estimates for certain degenerate and singular parabolic equations

Benny Avelin, Ugo Gianazza, Sandro Salsa (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study the boundary behavior of non-negative solutions to a class of degenerate/singular parabolic equations, whose prototype is the parabolic p -Laplacian equation. Assuming that such solutions continuously vanish on some distinguished part of the lateral part S T of a Lipschitz cylinder, we prove Carleson-type estimates, and deduce some consequences under additional assumptions on the equation or the domain. We then prove analogous estimates for non-negative solutions to a class of...

Absolute continuity for elliptic-caloric measures

Caroline Sweezy (1996)

Studia Mathematica


A Carleson condition on the difference function for the coefficients of two elliptic-caloric operators is shown to give absolute continuity of one measure with respect to the other on the lateral boundary. The elliptic operators can have time dependent coefficients and only one of them is assumed to have a measure which is doubling. This theorem is an extension of a result of B. Dahlberg [4] on absolute continuity for elliptic measures to the case of the heat equation. The method of...

On admissibility for parabolic equations in ℝⁿ

Martino Prizzi (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We consider the parabolic equation (P) u t - Δ u = F ( x , u ) , (t,x) ∈ ℝ₊ × ℝⁿ, and the corresponding semiflow π in the phase space H¹. We give conditions on the nonlinearity F(x,u), ensuring that all bounded sets of H¹ are π-admissible in the sense of Rybakowski. If F(x,u) is asymptotically linear, under appropriate non-resonance conditions, we use Conley’s index theory to prove the existence of nontrivial equilibria of (P) and of heteroclinic trajectories joining some of these equilibria. The results obtained...

Parabolic Marcinkiewicz integrals on product spaces and extrapolation

Mohammed Ali, Mohammed Al-Dolat (2016)

Open Mathematics


In this paper, we study the the parabolic Marcinkiewicz integral [...] MΩ,hρ1,ρ2 Ω , h ρ 1 , ρ 2 on product domains Rn × Rm (n, m ≥ 2). Lp estimates of such operators are obtained under weak conditions on the kernels. These estimates allow us to use an extrapolation argument to obtain some new and improved results on parabolic Marcinkiewicz integral operators.

Cauchy-Dirichlet problem in Morrey spaces for parabolic equations with discontinuous coefficients

Dian K. Palagachev, Maria A. Ragusa, Lubomira G. Softova (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana


Let Q T be a cylinder in R n + 1 and x = x , t R n × R . It is studied the Cauchy-Dirichlet problem for the uniformly parabolic operator u t - i , j = 1 n a i j x D i j u = f x q.o. in  Q T , u x = 0 su  Q T , in the Morrey spaces W p , λ 2 , 1 Q T , p 1 , , λ 0 , n + 2 , supposing the coefficients to belong to the class of functions with vanishing mean oscillation. There are obtained a priori estimates in Morrey spaces and Hölder regularity for the solution and its spatial derivatives.

Homogenization of a linear parabolic problem with a certain type of matching between the microscopic scales

Pernilla Johnsen, Tatiana Lobkova (2018)

Applications of Mathematics


This paper is devoted to the study of the linear parabolic problem ε t u ε ( x , t ) - · ( a ( x / ε , t / ε 3 ) u ε ( x , t ) ) = f ( x , t ) by means of periodic homogenization. Two interesting phenomena arise as a result of the appearance of the coefficient ε in front of the time derivative. First, we have an elliptic homogenized problem although the problem studied is parabolic. Secondly, we get a parabolic local problem even though the problem has a different relation between the spatial and temporal scales than those normally giving rise to parabolic...