Displaying similar documents to “Supercyclicity and weighted shifts”

Hypercyclic and chaotic weighted shifts

K.-G. Grosse-Erdmann (2000)

Studia Mathematica


Extending previous results of H. Salas we obtain a characterisation of hypercyclic weighted shifts on an arbitrary F-sequence space in which the canonical unit vectors ( e n ) form a Schauder basis. If the basis is unconditional we give a characterisation of those hypercyclic weighted shifts that are even chaotic.

Weighted sums of aggregation operators.

Tomasa Calvo, Bernard De Baets, Radko Mesiar (1999)

Mathware and Soft Computing


The aim of this work is to investigate when a weighted sum, or in other words, a linear combination, of two or more aggregation operators leads to a new aggregation operator. For weights belonging to the real unit interval, we obtain a convex combination and the answer is known to be always positive. However, we will show that also other weights can be used, depending upon the aggregation operators involved. A first set of suitable weights is obtained by a general method based on the...

Pointwise multiplication operators on weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions

J. Bonet, P. Domański, M. Lindström (1999)

Studia Mathematica


For a wide class of weights we find the approximative point spectrum and the essential spectrum of the pointwise multiplication operator M φ , M φ ( f ) = φ f , on the weighted Banach spaces of analytic functions on the disc with the sup-norm. Thus we characterize when M φ ' is Fredholm or is an into isomorphism. We also study cyclic phenomena for the adjoint map M φ ' .

Recent developments in hypercyclicity.

Karl-Goswin Grosse-Erdmann (2003)



In these notes we report on recent progress in the theory of hypercyclic and chaotic operators. Our discussion will be guided by the following fundamental problems: How do we recognize hypercyclic operators? How many vectors are hypercyclic? How many operators are hypercyclic? How big can non-dense orbits be?

Weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on Banach spaces

D. García, M. Maestre, P. Rueda (2000)

Studia Mathematica


We deal with weighted spaces H V 0 ( U ) and HV(U) of holomorphic functions defined on a balanced open subset U of a Banach space X. We give conditions on the weights to ensure that the weighted spaces of m-homogeneous polynomials constitute a Schauder decomposition for them. As an application, we study their reflexivity. We also study the existence of a predual. Several examples are provided.

Universal images of universal elements

Luis Bernal-González (2000)

Studia Mathematica


We furnish several necessary and sufficient conditions for the following property: For a topological space X, a continuous selfmapping S of X and a family τ of continuous selfmappings of X, the image under S of every τ-universal element is also τ-universal. An application in operator theory, where we extend results of Bourdon, Herrero, Bes, Herzog and Lemmert, is given. In particular, it is proved that every hypercyclic operator on a real or complex Banach space has a dense invariant...

Dynamics of differentiation operators on generalized weighted Bergman spaces

Liang Zhang, Ze-Hua Zhou (2015)

Open Mathematics


The chaos of the differentiation operator on generalized weighted Bergman spaces of entire functions has been characterized recently by Bonet and Bonilla in [CAOT 2013], when the differentiation operator is continuous. Motivated by those, we investigate conditions to ensure that finite many powers of differentiation operators are disjoint hypercyclic on generalized weighted Bergman spaces of entire functions.