Displaying similar documents to “Calculating the Mordell-Weil rank of elliptic threefolds and the cohomology of singular hypersurfaces”

On the extendability of elliptic surfaces of rank two and higher

Angelo Felice Lopez, Roberto Muñoz, José Carlos Sierra (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We study threefolds X r having as hyperplane section a smooth surface with an elliptic fibration. We first give a general theorem about the possible embeddings of such surfaces with Picard number two. More precise results are then proved for Weierstrass fibrations, both of rank two and higher. In particular we prove that a Weierstrass fibration of rank two that is not a K3 surface is not hyperplane section of a locally complete intersection threefold and we give some conditions, for many...

Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3 -fold, II: Deformations of degenerate curves on a del Pezzo 3 -fold

Hirokazu Nasu (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We study the Hilbert scheme Hilb s c V of smooth connected curves on a smooth del Pezzo 3 -fold V . We prove that any degenerate curve C , any curve C contained in a smooth hyperplane section S of V , does not deform to a non-degenerate curve if the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) χ ( V , C ( S ) ) 1 and (ii) for every line on S such that C = , the normal bundle N / V is trivial (  N / V 𝒪 1 2 ). As a consequence, we prove an analogue (for Hilb s c V ) of a conjecture of J. O. Kleppe, which is concerned with non-reduced components...

Dynamics on Character Varieties and Malgrange irreducibility of Painlevé VI equation

Serge Cantat, Frank Loray (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We consider representations of the fundamental group of the four punctured sphere into SL ( 2 , ) . The moduli space of representations modulo conjugacy is the character variety. The Mapping Class Group of the punctured sphere acts on this space by symplectic polynomial automorphisms. This dynamical system can be interpreted as the monodromy of the Painlevé VI equation. Infinite bounded orbits are characterized: they come from SU ( 2 ) -representations. We prove the absence of invariant affine structure...

Computing limit linear series with infinitesimal methods

Laurent Evain (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Alexander and Hirschowitz determined the Hilbert function of a generic union of fat points in a projective space when the number of fat points is much bigger than the greatest multiplicity of the fat points. Their method is based on a lemma which determines the limit of a linear system depending on fat points approaching a divisor. Other Hilbert functions were computed previously by Nagata. In connection with his counter-example to Hilbert’s fourteenth problem, Nagata determined...

An Algebraic Formula for the Index of a Vector Field on an Isolated Complete Intersection Singularity

H.-Ch. Graf von Bothmer, Wolfgang Ebeling, Xavier Gómez-Mont (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let ( V , 0 ) be a germ of a complete intersection variety in n + k , n > 0 , having an isolated singularity at 0 and X be the germ of a holomorphic vector field having an isolated zero at 0 and tangent to V . We show that in this case the homological index and the GSV-index coincide. In the case when the zero of X is also isolated in the ambient space n + k we give a formula for the homological index in terms of local linear algebra.