Displaying similar documents to “Instantons, topological strings, and enumerative geometry.”

Unramified Brauer group of the moduli spaces of PGLr(ℂ)-bundles over curves

Indranil Biswas, Amit Hogadi, Yogish Holla (2014)

Open Mathematics


Let X be an irreducible smooth complex projective curve of genus g, with g ≥ 2. Let N be a connected component of the moduli space of semistable principal PGLr (ℂ)-bundles over X; it is a normal unirational complex projective variety. We prove that the Brauer group of a desingularization of N is trivial.

The Picard group of a coarse moduli space of vector bundles in positive characteristic

Norbert Hoffmann (2012)

Open Mathematics


Let C be a smooth projective curve over an algebraically closed field of arbitrary characteristic. Let M r,Lss denote the projective coarse moduli scheme of semistable rank r vector bundles over C with fixed determinant L. We prove Pic(M r,Lss) = ℤ, identify the ample generator, and deduce that M r,Lss is locally factorial. In characteristic zero, this has already been proved by Drézet and Narasimhan. The main point of the present note is to circumvent the usual problems with Geometric...

Recent results on quiver sheaves

Andreas Laudin, Alexander Schmitt (2012)

Open Mathematics


In this article, we survey recent work on the construction and geometry of representations of a quiver in the category of coherent sheaves on a projective algebraic manifold. We will also prove new results in the case of the quiver • ← • → •.

Symplectic structures on moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces

Francesco Sala (2012)

Open Mathematics


We provide generalizations of the notions of Atiyah class and Kodaira-Spencer map to the case of framed sheaves. Moreover, we construct closed two-forms on the moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces. As an application, we define a symplectic structure on the moduli spaces of framed sheaves on some birationally ruled surfaces.