Displaying similar documents to “Some open problems in dynamical systems.”

Relatively independent joinings and subsystems of W*-dynamical systems

Rocco Duvenhage (2012)

Studia Mathematica


Relatively independent joinings of W*-dynamical systems are constructed. This is intimately related to subsystems of W*-dynamical systems, and therefore we also study general properties of subsystems, in particular fixed point subsystems and compact subsystems. This allows us to obtain characterizations of weak mixing and relative ergodicity, as well as of certain compact subsystems, in terms of joinings.

Minimal sets of generalized dynamical systems

Basilio Messano, Antonio Zitarosa (1989)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti


We introduce generalized dynamical systems (including both dynamical systems and discrete dynamical systems) and give the notion of minimal set of a generalized dynamical system. Then we prove a generalization of the classical G.D. Birkhoff theorem about minimal sets of a dynamical system and some propositions about generalized discrete dynamical systems.

Irregular attractors.

Anishchenko, Vadim S., Strelkova, Galina I. (1998)

Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society


Minimal sets of generalized dynamical systems

Basilio Messano, Antonio Zitarosa (1989)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


We introduce generalized dynamical systems (including both dynamical systems and discrete dynamical systems) and give the notion of minimal set of a generalized dynamical system. Then we prove a generalization of the classical G.D. Birkhoff theorem about minimal sets of a dynamical system and some propositions about generalized discrete dynamical systems.

Dependence of hidden attractors on non-linearity and Hamilton energy in a class of chaotic system

Ge Zhang, Chunni Wang, Ahmed Alsaedi, Jun Ma, Guodong Ren (2018)



Non-linearity is essential for occurrence of chaos in dynamical system. The size of phase space and formation of attractors are much dependent on the setting of nonlinear function and parameters. In this paper, a three-variable dynamical system is controlled by different nonlinear function thus a class of chaotic system is presented, the Hamilton function is calculated to find the statistical dynamical property of the improved dynamical systems composed of hidden attractors. The standard...

Compact Global Chaotic Attractors of Discrete Control Systems

David Cheban (2014)

Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems


The paper is dedicated to the study of the problem of existence of compact global chaotic attractors of discrete control systems and to the description of its structure. We consider so called switched systems with discrete time xn+1 = fν(n)(xn), where ν : ℤ+ ⃗ {1,2,...,m}. If m ≥ 2 we give sufficient conditions (the family M := {f1,f2,...,fm} of functions is contracting in the extended sense) for the existence of a compact global chaotic attractor. We study this problem in the framework...

On the definition of strange nonchaotic attractor

Lluís Alsedà, Sara Costa (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, we want to discuss some methodological issues related to the notion of strange nonchaotic attractor. On the other hand, we want to formulate a precise definition of this kind of attractor, which is "observable" in the physical sense and, in the two-dimensional setting, includes the well known models proposed by Grebogi et al. and by Keller, and a wide range of other examples proposed in the literature. Furthermore, we analytically prove...