Fractional powers of non-densely defined operators
Celso Martinez, Miguel Sanz (1991)
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze
Celso Martinez, Miguel Sanz (1991)
Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze
Celso Martínez, Miguel Sanzi, Francisco Periago (1999)
Studia Mathematica
For different reasons it is very useful to have at one’s disposal a duality formula for the fractional powers of the Laplacean, namely, , α ∈ ℂ, for ϕ belonging to a suitable function space and u to its topological dual. Unfortunately, this formula makes no sense in the classical spaces of distributions. For this reason we introduce a new space of distributions where the above formula can be established. Finally, we apply this distributional point of view on the fractional powers of...
R. Seeley (1972)
Studia Mathematica
H. Komatsu (1972-1973)
Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles (Polytechnique)
Markus Haase (2005)
Studia Mathematica
For a holomorphic function ψ defined on a sector we give a condition implying the identity where A is a sectorial operator on a Banach space X. This yields all common descriptions of the real interpolation spaces for sectorial operators and allows easy proofs of the moment inequalities and reiteration results for fractional powers.
Fernando Cobos Díaz (1989)
Revista Matemática de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
The behavior of compactness under real interpolation real is discussed. Classical results due to Krasnoselskii, Lions-Peetre, Persson, and Hayakawa are described, as well as others obtained very recently by Edmunds, Potter, Fernández, and the author.
Martinez, C., Sanz, M., Calvo, V. (1989)
International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Mario Milman (1993)
Collectanea Mathematica
We give an extension of the commutator theorems of Jawerth, Rochberg and Weiss [9] for the real method of interpolation. The results are motivated by recent work by Iwaniek and Sbordone [6] on generalized Hodge decompositions. The main estimates of these authors are based on a commutator theorem for a specific operator acting on Lp spaces and through the use of the complex method of interpolation. In this note we give an extension of the Iwaniek-Sbordone theorem to general real interpolation...