Displaying similar documents to “Counting points on elliptic curves over finite fields”

Constructing elliptic curves over finite fields using double eta-quotients

Andreas Enge, Reinhard Schertz (2004)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux


We examine a class of modular functions for whose values generate ring class fields of imaginary quadratic orders. This fact leads to a new algorithm for constructing elliptic curves with complex multiplication. The difficulties arising when the genus of is not zero are overcome by computing certain modular polynomials. Being a product of four -functions, the proposed modular functions can be viewed as a natural generalisation of the functions examined by Weber and usually...

Good reduction of elliptic curves over imaginary quadratic fields

Masanari Kida (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux


We prove that the -invariant of an elliptic curve defined over an imaginary quadratic number field having good reduction everywhere satisfies certain Diophantine equations under some hypothesis on the arithmetic of the quadratic field. By solving the Diophantine equations explicitly in the rings of quadratic integers, we show the non-existence of such elliptic curve for certain imaginary quadratic fields. This extends the results due to Setzer and Stroeker.