Displaying similar documents to “On Asplund functions”

Universal spaces in the theory of transfinite dimension, I

Wojciech Olszewski (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


R. Pol has shown that for every countable ordinal α, there exists a universal space for separable metrizable spaces X with ind X = α . We prove that for every countable limit ordinal λ, there is no universal space for separable metrizable spaces X with Ind X = λ. This implies that there is no universal space for compact metrizable spaces X with Ind X = λ. We also prove that there is no universal space for compact metrizable spaces X with ind X = λ.

Measures on Corson compact spaces

Kenneth Kunen, Jan van Mill (1995)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We prove that the statement: "there is a Corson compact space with a non-separable Radon measure" is equivalent to a number of natural statements in set theory.

Hyperconvexity of ℝ-trees

W. Kirk (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


It is shown that for a metric space (M,d) the following are equivalent: (i) M is a complete ℝ-tree; (ii) M is hyperconvex and has unique metric segments.

Dominating analytic families

Anastasis Kamburelis (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let A be an analytic family of sequences of sets of integers. We show that either A is dominated or it contains a continuum of almost disjoint sequences. From this we obtain a theorem by Shelah that a Suslin c.c.c. forcing adds a Cohen real if it adds an unbounded real.

Selections that characterize topological completeness

Jan van Mill, Jan Pelant, Roman Pol (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We show that the assertions of some fundamental selection theorems for lower-semicontinuous maps with completely metrizable range and metrizable domain actually characterize topological completeness of the target space. We also show that certain natural restrictions on the class of the domains change this situation. The results provide in particular answers to questions asked by Engelking, Heath and Michael [3] and Gutev, Nedev, Pelant and Valov [5].

Combinatorics of open covers (III): games, Cp (X)

Marion Scheepers (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Some of the covering properties of spaces as defined in Parts I and II are here characterized by games. These results, applied to function spaces C p ( X ) of countable tightness, give new characterizations of countable fan tightness and countable strong fan tightness. In particular, each of these properties is characterized by a Ramseyan theorem.

Extending real-valued functions in βκ

Alan Dow (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


An Open Coloring Axiom type principle is formulated for uncountable cardinals and is shown to be a consequence of the Proper Forcing Axiom. Several applications are found. We also study dense C*-embedded subspaces of ω*, showing that there can be such sets of cardinality c and that it is consistent that ω*{pis C*-embedded for some but not all p ∈ ω*.