Displaying similar documents to “On the points of non-differentiability of convex functions”

On the unique extension problem for functionals of the calculus of variations

Luciano Carbone, Riccardo De Arcangelis (2001)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


By drawing inspiration from the treatment of the non parametric area problem, an abstract functional is considered, defined for every open set in a given class of open subsets of R n and every function in C R n , and verifying suitable assumptions of measure theoretic type, of invariance, convexity, and lower semicontinuity. The problem is discussed of the possibility of extending it, and of the uniqueness of such extension, to a functional verifying analogous properties, but defined in wider...

On the separation of parametric convex polyhedral sets with application in MOLP

Milan Hladík (2010)

Applications of Mathematics


We investigate diverse separation properties of two convex polyhedral sets for the case when there are parameters in one row of the constraint matrix. In particular, we deal with the existence, description and stability properties of the separating hyperplanes of such convex polyhedral sets. We present several examples carried out on PC. We are also interested in supporting separation (separating hyperplanes support both the convex polyhedral sets at given faces) and permanent separation...