Displaying similar documents to “On sum-sets and product-sets of complex numbers”

A note on signs of Kloosterman sums

Kaisa Matomäki (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


We prove that the sign of Kloosterman sums Kl ( 1 , 1 ; n ) changes infinitely often as n runs through the square-free numbers with at most 15 prime factors. This improves on a previous result by Sivak-Fischler who obtained 18 instead of 15. Our improvement comes from introducing an elementary inequality which gives lower and upper bounds for the dot product of two sequences whose individual distributions are known.

On sums of powers of the positive integers

A. Schinzel (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae


The pairs (k,m) are studied such that for every positive integer n we have 1 k + 2 k + + n k | 1 k m + 2 k m + + n k m .

A generalization of a theorem of Erdős-Rényi to m-fold sums and differences

Kathryn E. Hare, Shuntaro Yamagishi (2014)

Acta Arithmetica


Let m ≥ 2 be a positive integer. Given a set E(ω) ⊆ ℕ we define r N ( m ) ( ω ) to be the number of ways to represent N ∈ ℤ as a combination of sums and differences of m distinct elements of E(ω). In this paper, we prove the existence of a “thick” set E(ω) and a positive constant K such that r N ( m ) ( ω ) < K for all N ∈ ℤ. This is a generalization of a known theorem by Erdős and Rényi. We also apply our results to harmonic analysis, where we prove the existence of certain thin sets.

On the k -polygonal numbers and the mean value of Dedekind sums

Jing Guo, Xiaoxue Li (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For any positive integer k 3 , it is easy to prove that the k -polygonal numbers are a n ( k ) = ( 2 n + n ( n - 1 ) ( k - 2 ) ) / 2 . The main purpose of this paper is, using the properties of Gauss sums and Dedekind sums, the mean square value theorem of Dirichlet L -functions and the analytic methods, to study the computational problem of one kind mean value of Dedekind sums S ( a n ( k ) a ¯ m ( k ) , p ) for k -polygonal numbers with 1 m , n p - 1 , and give an interesting computational formula for it.

Prime numbers along Rudin–Shapiro sequences

Christian Mauduit, Joël Rivat (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a large class of digital functions f , we estimate the sums n x Λ ( n ) f ( n ) (and n x μ ( n ) f ( n ) , where Λ denotes the von Mangoldt function (and μ the Möbius function). We deduce from these estimates a Prime Number Theorem (and a Möbius randomness principle) for sequences of integers with digit properties including the Rudin-Shapiro sequence and some of its generalizations.

Some new sums related to D. H. Lehmer problem

Han Zhang, Wenpeng Zhang (2015)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


About Lehmer’s number, many people have studied its various properties, and obtained a series of interesting results. In this paper, we consider a generalized Lehmer problem: Let p be a prime, and let N ( k ; p ) denote the number of all 1 a i p - 1 such that a 1 a 2 a k 1 mod p and 2 a i + a ¯ i + 1 , i = 1 , 2 , , k . The main purpose of this paper is using the analytic method, the estimate for character sums and trigonometric sums to study the asymptotic properties of the counting function N ( k ; p ) , and give an interesting asymptotic formula...

GCD sums from Poisson integrals and systems of dilated functions

Christoph Aistleitner, István Berkes, Kristian Seip (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Upper bounds for GCD sums of the form k , = 1 N ( gcd ( n k , n ) ) 2 α ( n k n ) α are established, where ( n k ) 1 k N is any sequence of distinct positive integers and 0 < α 1 ; the estimate for α = 1 / 2 solves in particular a problem of Dyer and Harman from 1986, and the estimates are optimal except possibly for α = 1 / 2 . The method of proof is based on identifying the sum as a certain Poisson integral on a polydisc; as a byproduct, estimates for the largest eigenvalues of the associated GCD matrices are also found. The bounds for such GCD sums are used to...

On the 4-norm of an automorphic form

Valentin Blomer (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We prove the optimal upper bound f f 4 4 q ϵ where f runs over an orthonormal basis of Maass cusp forms of prime level q and bounded spectral parameter.

Proof of a conjectured three-valued family of Weil sums of binomials

Daniel J. Katz, Philippe Langevin (2015)

Acta Arithmetica


We consider Weil sums of binomials of the form W F , d ( a ) = x F ψ ( x d - a x ) , where F is a finite field, ψ: F → ℂ is the canonical additive character, g c d ( d , | F × | ) = 1 , and a F × . If we fix F and d, and examine the values of W F , d ( a ) as a runs through F × , we always obtain at least three distinct values unless d is degenerate (a power of the characteristic of F modulo | F × | ). Choices of F and d for which we obtain only three values are quite rare and desirable in a wide variety of applications. We show that if F is a field of order 3ⁿ with n...

On the q -Pell sequences and sums of tails

Alexander E. Patkowski (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


We examine the q -Pell sequences and their applications to weighted partition theorems and values of L -functions. We also put them into perspective with sums of tails. It is shown that there is a deeper structure between two-variable generalizations of Rogers-Ramanujan identities and sums of tails, by offering examples of an operator equation considered in a paper published by the present author. The paper starts with the classical example offered by Ramanujan and studied by previous...

Explicit algebraic dependence formulae for infinite products related with Fibonacci and Lucas numbers

Hajime Kaneko, Takeshi Kurosawa, Yohei Tachiya, Taka-aki Tanaka (2015)

Acta Arithmetica


Let d ≥ 2 be an integer. In 2010, the second, third, and fourth authors gave necessary and sufficient conditions for the infinite products k = 1 U d k - a i ( 1 + ( a i ) / ( U d k ) ) (i=1,...,m) or k = 1 V d k - a i ( 1 + ( a i ) ( V d k ) (i=1,...,m) to be algebraically dependent, where a i are non-zero integers and U n and V n are generalized Fibonacci numbers and Lucas numbers, respectively. The purpose of this paper is to relax the condition on the non-zero integers a 1 , . . . , a m to non-zero real algebraic numbers, which gives new cases where the infinite products above are algebraically...