Displaying similar documents to “Global linearization of nonlinear systems - A survey”

An Invariance Problem for Control Systems with Deterministic Uncertainty

Lech Górniewicz, Paolo Nistri (1996)

Banach Center Publications


This paper deals with a class of nonlinear control systems in R n in presence of deterministic uncertainty. The uncertainty is modelled by a multivalued map F with nonempty, closed, convex values. Given a nonempty closed set K R n from a suitable class, which includes the convex sets, we solve the problem of finding a state feedback ū(t,x) in such a way that K is invariant under any system dynamics f. As a system dynamics we consider any continuous selection of the uncertain controlled dynamics...

Robust coordination control of switching multi-agent systems via output regulation approach

Xiaoli Wang, Fengling Han (2011)



In this paper, the distributed output regulation problem of uncertain multi-agent systems with switching interconnection topologies is considered. All the agents will track or reject the signals generated by an exosystem (or an active leader). A systematic distributed design approach is proposed to handle output regulation via dynamic output feedback with the help of canonical internal model. With common solutions of regulator equations and Lyapunov functions, the distributed robust...

Infinitesimal Brunovský form for nonlinear systems with applications to Dynamic Linearization

E. Aranda-Bricaire, C. Moog, J. Pomet (1995)

Banach Center Publications


We define, in an infinite-dimensional differential geometric framework, the 'infinitesimal Brunovský form' which we previously introduced in another framework and link it with equivalence via diffeomorphism to a linear system, which is the same as linearizability by 'endogenous dynamic feedback'.

Well-formed dynamics under quasi-static state feedback

J. Rudolph (1995)

Banach Center Publications


Well-formed dynamics are a generalization of classical dynamics, to which they are equivalent by a quasi-static state feedback. In case such a dynamics is flat, i.e., equivalent by an endogenous feedback to a linear controllable dynamics, there exists a Brunovský type canonical form with respect to a quasi-static state feedback.

Rejection of nonharmonic disturbances in nonlinear systems

Shutang Liu, Yuan Jiang, Ping Liu (2010)



This paper proposes an asymptotic rejection algorithm on the rejection of nonharmonic periodic disturbances for general nonlinear systems. The disturbances, which are produced by nonlinear exosystems, are nonharmonic and periodic. A new nonlinear internal model is proposed to deal with the disturbances. Further, a state feedback controller is designed to ensure that the system's state variables can asymptotically converge to zero, and the disturbances can be completely rejected. The...