Displaying similar documents to “Self-decomposable probability distributions on R m

On inhomogeneous self-similar measures and their L q spectra

Przemysław Liszka (2013)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let S i : d d for i = 1,..., N be contracting similarities, let ( p , . . . , p N , p ) be a probability vector and let ν be a probability measure on d with compact support. It is well known that there exists a unique inhomogeneous self-similar probability measure μ on d such that μ = i = 1 N p i μ S i - 1 + p ν . We give satisfactory estimates for the lower and upper bounds of the L q spectra of inhomogeneous self-similar measures. The case in which there are a countable number of contracting similarities and probabilities is considered. In particular,...

Order relations in the set of probability distribution functions and their applications in queueing theory

Tomasz Rolski


CONTENTSIntroduction......................................................................................................................................... 51. n-Monotonic functions on (— ∞, ∞)........................................................................................... 62. Order relations in the set of probability distribution functions....................................................... 12 2.1. Preliminary concepts...............................................................................................................

Properties of unique information

Johannes Rauh, Maik Schünemann, Jürgen Jost (2021)



We study the unique information function U I ( T : X Y ) defined by Bertschinger et al. within the framework of information decompositions. In particular, we study uniqueness and support of the solutions to the convex optimization problem underlying the definition of U I . We identify sufficient conditions for non-uniqueness of solutions with full support in terms of conditional independence constraints and in terms of the cardinalities of T , X and Y . Our results are based on a reformulation of the first...

On C * -spaces

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A Marchaud type inequality

Jorge Bustamante (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We present a new Marchaud type inequality in 𝕃 p spaces.