Compact Kähler manifolds with hermitian semipositive anticanonical bundle
Jean-Pierre Demailly, Thomas Peternell, Michael Schneider (1996)
Compositio Mathematica
Jean-Pierre Demailly, Thomas Peternell, Michael Schneider (1996)
Compositio Mathematica
Ruxandra Moraru, Misha Verbitsky (2010)
Open Mathematics
A hypercomplex manifold is a manifold equipped with three complex structures I, J, K satisfying the quaternionic relations. Let M be a 4-dimensional compact smooth manifold equipped with a hypercomplex structure, and E be a vector bundle on M. We show that the moduli space of anti-self-dual connections on E is also hypercomplex, and admits a strong HKT metric. We also study manifolds with (4,4)-supersymmetry, that is, Riemannian manifolds equipped with a pair of strong HKT-structures...
K. Rama (1990)
Publicacions Matemàtiques
In this note a necessary and sufficient condition for a compact complex space X to be Moishezon is obtained; it can be seen as the existence of a line bundle L on X such that, for some point x ∈ X, the first cohomology groups of X with values respectively in L ⊗ m and L ⊗ m , vanish. (Here m denotes the ideal sheaf at x).
Indranil Biswas (1997)
Annales de l'institut Fourier
The moduli space of stable vector bundles over a moving curve is constructed, and on this a generalized Weil-Petersson form is constructed. Using the local Riemann-Roch formula of Bismut-Gillet-Soulé it is shown that the generalized Weil-Petersson form is the curvature of the determinant line bundle, equipped with the Quillen metric, for a vector bundle on the fiber product of the universal moduli space with the universal curve.
Jean-Michel Bismut (1990)
Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
Nigel Hitchin (1991-1992)
Séminaire Bourbaki
Alan Michael Nadel (1988)
Compositio Mathematica
Teleman, Constantin (2000)
Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
Luca Scala (2011)
Annales de l’institut Fourier
Let a compact connected oriented 4-manifold. We study the space of -structures of fixed fundamental class, as an infinite dimensional principal bundle on the manifold of riemannian metrics on . In order to study perturbations of the metric in Seiberg-Witten equations, we study the transversality of universal equations, parametrized with all -structures . We prove that, on a complex Kähler surface, for an hermitian metric sufficiently close to the original Kähler metric, the...