Normal restrictions of the noncofinal ideal on
Pierre Matet (2013)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We discuss the problem of whether there exists a restriction of the noncofinal ideal on that is normal.
Pierre Matet (2013)
Fundamenta Mathematicae
We discuss the problem of whether there exists a restriction of the noncofinal ideal on that is normal.
Marta Frankowska, Andrzej Nowik (2011)
Colloquium Mathematicae
We prove that the ideal (a) defined by the density topology is not generated. This answers a question of Z. Grande and E. Strońska.
Stephen Scheinberg (2021)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
The topology of the maximal-ideal space of is discussed.
F. Azarpanah, O. A. S. Karamzadeh, S. Rahmati (2008)
Colloquium Mathematicae
Let be the socle of C(X). It is shown that each prime ideal in is essential. For each h ∈ C(X), we prove that every prime ideal (resp. z-ideal) of C(X)/(h) is essential if and only if the set Z(h) of zeros of h contains no isolated points (resp. int Z(h) = ∅). It is proved that , where dim C(X) denotes the Goldie dimension of C(X), and the inequality may be strict. We also give an algebraic characterization of compact spaces with at most a countable number of nonisolated points....
Emel Aslankarayiğit Uğurlu, El Mehdi Bouba, Ünsal Tekir, Suat Koç (2023)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
We introduce weakly strongly quasi-primary (briefly, wsq-primary) ideals in commutative rings. Let be a commutative ring with a nonzero identity and a proper ideal of . The proper ideal is said to be a weakly strongly quasi-primary ideal if whenever for some , then or Many examples and properties of wsq-primary ideals are given. Also, we characterize nonlocal Noetherian von Neumann regular rings, fields, nonlocal rings over which every proper ideal is wsq-primary, and zero...
Anna Stasica (2003)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
We obtain, in a simple way, an estimate for the Noether exponent of an ideal I without embedded components (i.e. we estimate the smallest number μ such that ).
Masato Kurihara (1999)
Journal of the European Mathematical Society
In this paper, for a totally real number field we show the ideal class group of is trivial. We also study the -component of the ideal class group of the cyclotomic -extension.
J. Cabello, E. Nieto (1998)
Studia Mathematica
C.-M. Cho and W. B. Johnson showed that if a subspace E of , 1 < p < ∞, has the compact approximation property, then K(E) is an M-ideal in ℒ(E). We prove that for every r,s ∈ ]0,1] with , the James space can be provided with an equivalent norm such that an arbitrary subspace E has the metric compact approximation property iff there is a norm one projection P on ℒ(E)* with Ker P = K(E)⊥ satisfying ∥⨍∥ ≥ r∥Pf∥ + s∥φ - Pf∥ ∀⨍ ∈ ℒ(E)*. A similar result is proved for subspaces of...
Gülşen Ulucak, Ece Yetkin Çelikel (2020)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Tamás Terpai (2009)
Banach Center Publications
We calculate the mapping and obtain a generating system of its kernel. As a corollary, bounds on the codimension of fold maps from real projective spaces to Euclidean space are calculated and the rank of a singular bordism group is determined.
Barnabás Farkas, Lajos Soukup (2009)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
Given an ideal on let () be minimum of the cardinalities of infinite (uncountable) maximal -almost disjoint subsets of . We show that if is a summable ideal; but for any tall density ideal including the density zero ideal . On the other hand, you have for any analytic -ideal , and for each density ideal . For each ideal on denote and the unbounding and dominating numbers of where iff . We show that and for each analytic -ideal . Given a Borel...
Alfred Czogała, Beata Rothkegel (2014)
Acta Arithmetica
Let K be a number field. Assume that the 2-rank of the ideal class group of K is equal to the 2-rank of the narrow ideal class group of K. Moreover, assume K has a unique dyadic prime and the class of is a square in the ideal class group of K. We prove that if ₁,...,ₙ are finite primes of K such that ∙ the class of is a square in the ideal class group of K for every i ∈ 1,...,n, ∙ -1 is a local square at for every nondyadic , then ₁,...,ₙ is the wild set of some self-equivalence...
Brahim Boudine (2023)
Mathematica Bohemica
A commutative ring with unity is called a special principal ideal ring (SPIR) if it is a non integral principal ideal ring containing only one nonzero prime ideal, its length is the index of nilpotency of its maximal ideal. In this paper, we show a characterization of irreducible polynomials over a SPIR of length . Then, we give a sufficient condition for a polynomial to be irreducible over a SPIR of any length .
Tomasz Weiss (2018)
Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
We prove in ZFC that every additive set is additive, thus we solve Problem 20 from paper [Weiss T., A note on the intersection ideal , Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 54 (2013), no. 3, 437-445] in the negative.
Maciej Skwarczyński (1981)
Annales Polonici Mathematici
Ali Yassine, Mohammad Javad Nikmehr, Reza Nikandish (2024)
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
Let be a commutative ring with identity. We study the concept of strongly 1-absorbing primary ideals which is a generalization of -ideals and a subclass of -absorbing primary ideals. A proper ideal of is called strongly 1-absorbing primary if for all nonunit elements such that , it is either or . Some properties of strongly 1-absorbing primary ideals are studied. Finally, rings over which every semi-primary ideal is strongly 1-absorbing primary, and rings over which...